The former cyclist Lars Bak continues in the industry, where he will be assistant sports director.

Lars Bak will be the assistant sports director at the World Tour team NTT.

The writing team in a press release.

the 39-year-old Bak stopped his career as a cyclist, as in October, he drove over the finish line in seventh place in the endagsløbet Paris-Tours.

– I’m really glad that everything fell into place for me, so I can embark on this new challenge in my life. But now I must quickly change me from being a rider to sports director.

– of Course it is a big change, and everything will be new for me, so I will listen and learn as much as possible from the fantastic group of experienced people. Now I am an apprentice again, say Bak in the press release.

On the NTT, he becomes co-worker with the former cyclist Lars Michaelsen, who is the leader of the sportsdirektørgruppen on the south african team.

Over the years, Lars has gathered tons of experience in professional cycling. Now his challenge is to perform the job from “the other side”, with the same ambitions, ” says Lars Michaelsen.

In the coming season will two danes will be on the NTT team. Michael Valgren, who also drove for the team in 2019, will be joined by newcomer Andreas Stokbro.
