In Kipfenberg near Eichstätt/Ingolstadt were found in may, human bones. Now, the identity of the dead is – the case leads to the year 2002.

A probe-goers joined in may 2020 to a human bone in the woods in Kipfenberg. Then bones of a second corpse were found. The identity of the two dead is, it is missing persons.

Update from the 8. June: At the 2. In may 2020, and found a stroller in the forest in Kipfenberg human bones – including a skull. “After the first police security measures followed for the police in Ingolstadt, a several weeks of continuous process for the excavation, salvage and medical investigation of the human Remains”. The police announced on Monday (8. June) with.

“In the framework of the by officials of the KPI Ingolstadt-in-hand work conducted excavations of a second skull and other bones were saved”, the police announced more. In a hall, the soil was crushed and sieved. Thus, teeth and other bone parts could be secured. The Institute of legal medicine in connection, first, that it is a male and a female skeleton.

forest in Kipfenberg near Eichstätt/Ingolstadt: The dead are two was in 2002, missing persons

In the context of other studies of DNA Material could be made of the of bone secured. The outcome of the investigations: In the case of the found bodies to a since 2002, missing a couple. at the Time, a Relative filed a missing complaint with the police in Ingolstadt, because the couple was not accessible.

it Continues: “In coordination with the Prosecutor’s office in Ingolstadt , the police established an investigation group (EC Birktal). The goal of the re-launched investigation, is in close cooperation with the law, medicine, and building on that knowledge, the actual circumstances of the death of the now-found Missing to uncover.“

+ The backed-up soil – the Remains of two people were discovered.

man finds corpse in the forest – who is the Dead one?

first message from 12. May

Kipfenberg – An unusual Fund employs the police . In a forest at Kipfenberg (Landkreis Eichstätt) were found in several bone . It is still unclear who is the or the Dead and how the bones came into the forest. The Bavarian broadcasting (BR) is reported. A police spokesman confirmed the information from the BR via the Fund of human Remains.

forest in Kipfenberg (country rice Eichstätt, Germany): Human skeleton

found before nine days of a detectorist in the area of the Birktals came across a bone. The subsequent investigation revealed that it is a human bone, such as the BR reported more.

The police examined the surroundings of the site and found more parts of the skeleton. The bones were recovered together with the surrounding soil for further investigations.

the Remains in the woods near Kipfenberg identity found: it is still unclear

Currently, there is no evidence for the identity , or how long the body to the place he had found. With the first results expected is expected to end the week.

In December discovered a witness to parts of the skeleton in a forest in Mehring. Now it is clear to whom the dead.

In the Bavarian town of Lindau, it came down to a construction site of a spectacular find. It is human Remains of a suspected Wehrmacht soldiers were found.

A hunting dog made an incredible discovery in a forest in Grafrath* in upper Bavaria. The police is now faced with a riddle and asks for witness information.

All news about Bayern you always have to read with us.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.