” Hi, I came to tell you hi. “Jean-Loup Dabadie we said hi at the age of 81. The academician died on Sunday and leaves us with a colossal undertaking that it be at the cinema, at the theatre or in the song. In fact, Dabadie would have authored or co-authored nearly 300 songs for artists diverse ranging from Barbara to Regine via Reggiani, Cleric, or Sardou.

Everything started with a scene poignant between a father and a little boy abandoned. “Wait, I know stories. “In 1967, Reggiani contact Dabadie, then the author of skits for the tv and Guy Bedos (” happy birthday, Paulette “, ” The Boxer “), for him to order a song. It runs. “This is the song that I’ve written faster in my life, he explained to Agence France-presse in 2015. As I had a dramatist, I’ve had the reflex of me to hold on to the image I had of this great actor. I wrote this song in the form of a scenario and I always did it after in my life. The Little Boy, this is the story of a man who has just been left by his wife and is left alone with her little boy. “The words sensitive of Dabadie is perfectly matched with the voice saddened Reggiani. The two artists will sign the small gems of the French song : “Italian “, ” Hotel of travellers “, ” The Absence “…

The turn of Julien Clerc

Dabadie takes a liking to these mini-scenes sung and multiplies collaborations. He meets Michel Polnareff and sign his first success : “All boats, all birds “, “Holidays” or ” We all go to heaven “. The peak of their collaboration : “Letter to France “. Exiled to the United States because of tax problems, Polnareff has the blues in his country. He layer his spleen national on one partition, and sends the music to Jean-Loup Dabadie. The screenwriter-lyricist writes a letter : France, I love you ! “I send him the text and… no reaction. Radio Silence. And shortly after, two months maybe, I hear on a Sunday evening on the radio a facilitator who presents the new song of Michel Polnareff. And I then hear my song, in its entirety, word for word. So far, up to today, Michel and I, we never talk about this song… ” The song is sublime and a true declaration of love to the fatherland abandoned.

Read also the worst to the best, we have classified the 140 songs of Michel Polnareff

Dabadie will also be associated with Julien Clerc. After a decade singing to poetic, but sometimes abstruse Étienne Roda-Gil, a Cleric, look for something else. A new breath less lyrical, more romantic. The first texts that sends Dabadie do fly in the albums were still designed mostly with “Roda” : “The Heart too big for me “, ” At the end I cry “, ” Love without tears “. Then come the pipes : “From “, “My preference” and of course ” Women, I love you “.

” This is the song that took me the most time, because I have dried a long time. Julien I had played the melody just before the summer holidays, in a studio in Bagnolet, but he had not really the intention of the record. I said to him : Mets-still on the tape, he explained in 2015. I’m going on vacation with my little family, and here, I dry… I felt that it was necessary to find the hang on a syllable of the chorus, and I ended up hear in the background of my head the word “women”… then I searched around this word, I wanted the song to be a cry of love for women, not only beautiful brunettes and beautiful blondes, but all women, even those who are of a certain age, because they are our mothers or less than us because they are our girls. But by finishing the song, I told myself that he would never accept it because it redouterait pass for a Don Juan of the bazaar. In fact, for a long time, he didn’t want to sing it and this is our friend and editor, Bertrand de Labbey, who told him : Save it. “It will be a triumph that will allow him to reach a new audience, less elitist. Of course, the Roda-Gil – never say to the Cleric “I love you” – hated and quarreled with his ” factory “.

Finally, there was Michel Sardou. As the trio Sardou-Revaux and Delanoë trustait the hit-parades, at the turn of the 1980s, Dabadie, managed to make it a beautiful place and brings a bit of sensitivity to the directory manly Sardou. In ” moms go “, he plays the score of a father who must manage his children without his wife ; with ” Because it was he because it was me “, he looks back on a friendship broken by a woman ; ” Hi “is the song that Sardou’s dedicated to his fans who have followed it for forty years ; “The Defensive” comes back on the end of a marriage with a mixture of fatalism and regret.

Read also the worst to the best, we have classified the 321 songs by Michel Sardou

Dabadie will be offered to each performer his sensitivity, his beautiful melancholy and delicacy in the words chosen. He was for 40 years, the preference of the French song and the embodiment of a variety of demanding and popular. One of his last collaborations with Julien Clerc dated back to 2011. The song is called ” Time to love “. The love, always.