John Bolton tells all in his tell-all book about Donald Trump. In times of crisis, to distraction. So also in the E-Mail affair, his daughter Ivanka Trump.

Ivanka Trump* has used a private E-Mail address for their government activities. the John Bolton said in his tell-all book about the E-Mail affair, and the distraction of her father, Donald Trump*. the Donald Trump and Ivanka Trump stand in front of the presidential election* under increasing pressure.

Washington – “Lock her up” was one of the most distinctive Calls of the US election in 2016. Whenever the language came to the then E-Mail affair by Hi llary Clinton , had Donald Trump demanded vehemently, to put his democratic opponent in the presidential campaign, but finally to jail. This finally went so far that his Fans mood at his campaign events at the mere mention of the word “E-Mail” in the “Lock them up”chants one.

The FBI accused Clinton an “extremely careless” in handling its E-Mails, but saw no reason to initiate a procedure. Nevertheless, Donald Trump his opponent were again and again of fraud and described it as corrupt and wasted (“Crooked Hillary accused”).

Ivanka Trump in spicy E-Mail affair involved

this is Why it is all the more piquant, that even Trumps daughter Ivanka Trump in a E-Mail-affair involved seems to be. Even before she was officially, as a consultant of the President to the staff of the White house, has made a personal E-Mail account to the appropriate business of government, including the Minister of education, Betsy de Vos.

In another case, referred to Ivanka Trump a Government staff member as your personal chief of Staff. Walter Shaub, the former head of the U.S. office of government ethics, spoke on Twitter of a totally crazy Thing.

E-Mail affair of Ivanka Trump: John Bolton talks the beans

Ivanka Trumps E-Mail-affair is already been known for some time. However, in the Wake of the presidential campaign in 2020, the Situation gets to a particularly sensitive touch, especially now, yet John Bolton from the school and chatting.

How Donald trump’s former security Advisor, reported in his forthcoming tell-all book , turned out to be Trump in the year 2018, as Ivanka’s E-Mail threatened to boil affair high, Trump a tried and tested defence strategy: the diversion. This can be seen from the “New York Times” already-published chapters of the Bolton book.

If the book ever comes on the market, is still unclear. The Trump-government tries to prevent. The Ministry of justice has asked a judge, the publication of already printed and delivered to prevent paper at the last minute.

Donald Trump draws selectively from Ivanka Trumps E-Mail affair from

According to Bolton’s details Trump to have the murder of the saudi Arabian journalists Jamal Khashoggi are taken as an occasion to draw the attention to another topic. Trump defended at the time, vehemently with the Saudi crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman , although the secret service, the CIA believed that bin Salman of the assassination of the saudi-must have known critical journalists.

According to Bolton, Donald Trump has done this fully aware of the fact: “That should distract from Ivanka . If I am reading the explanation in person, the rules of the Ivanka thing.“

Image of Ivanka Trump suffers increasingly

The revelations are further damage to the Image of Ivanka Trump , can be said to have in the family clan is actually the largest political ambitions. Recently, Washington Post had reported on the “”-author Mary Jordan in your book about Melania Trump* of a power struggle between the First Lady and her step-daughter, Ivanka Trump. Ivanka I tried the “First Lady’s Office” in the “First Family’s Office” to rename. Melania prevailed.

And also in the power of the star of the Glamourpaars Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner* seems to burn up so slowly. Under the Hashtag #ByeIvanka service Twitter critic of the President’s-daughter to collect the short messages. The role of her husband Jared in the Corona-crisis heated tempers, as well as Ivanka’s absence in the current debate on the racist police violence in the USA .

Christian sturgeon and Daniel Dillmann

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.