When we feel offended, we usually react in completely different ways: sometimes we feel angry, sometimes shame, sometimes defiance. Commonality: These feelings are often unhealthy and make us feel bad and, in the worst case, can even make us ill. Most of the time we unconsciously devalue ourselves or take the situation in question too personally. But do you have to put up with it? In Bärbel Wardetzki’s book “No one offends me so easily!” it becomes clear that we can actively counteract this. And what they say makes this book really meaningful for a lot of people.
Because the author explains very clearly how we can react when we feel offended again. Important here: If we actively defend ourselves against the symptoms, we only intensify them. “Someone who is excited and trying desperately not to be so doesn’t get rid of the tension, but gets stomach cramps, tachycardia or tremors all over their body. However, the moment they let their excitement ‘be there’, they register it If possible, breathe calmly and consciously and admit it to yourself and others, it may initially become a little stronger, but as a result relaxation sets in and in this way a reduction in excitement.” So the key is to become aware of the feelings and to explore step by step where they come from.
In the book you will also find a self-test and other assistance that will help you to recognize and understand your own feelings and learn to deal with them more calmly – feelings that can vary from person to person. Bärbel Wardetzki, who has already helped me to mature personally with her book “Feminine Narcissism”, manages to stimulate self-reflection and to perceive my own experience more consciously.
The psychotherapist’s books are comprehensive, related to everyday life, solution-oriented and structured in such a way that many people can find themselves in them. It is the same with this work. It doesn’t matter which situations, people or circumstances offend us and which feelings they ultimately trigger in us. It is important that we manage to recognize the patterns behind them in order to be able to dissolve them. Wardetzki provides plausible, helpful approaches that make us feel better, more carefree and less determined by others. A book to remember in everyday life that can help us out of difficult situations and unhealthy loops. And thus an important book.
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