Last summer, Lindsay Lohan (37) and husband Bader Shammas (37) welcomed their first child Luai into the world. Now the US actress says she is looking forward to her first Mother’s Day as a mother. “After a busy few months at work, it’s nice to be home in time for my first Mother’s Day! I love the little things with my baby, from walks and baths to our feeding times together,” Lohan wrote shortly before this year’s Mother’s Day on May 12th on Instagram.

Lohan also wants to encourage other new parents with her post. “New parents, it may not always be easy, but know that you can do it!” Lohan, who moved to Dubai around 2016, announced the birth of her first child in July 2023. Luai, her son’s name, is Arabic and means “shield or protector”.

Shortly after giving birth, Lohan shared a candid photo of herself without makeup and in postpartum underwear last August. In an interview with Bustle magazine in March, she revealed that following the birth of her son, she felt no pressure to quickly lose her pregnancy weight. “I was so attached to [Luai] that my last thought was to go on a treadmill,” Lohan said at the time, adding, “I feel like we put so much pressure on ourselves to get good so quickly to look, but you look so beautiful [after giving birth]. Give yourself time.”