As the oldest ever invited Participant in the 80-year-old German writer Helga Schubert has won the prestigious Bachmann prize. Lively and stirred it showed on Sunday, in a first reaction. “I’m incredibly happy,” said the Berlin native, who was switched from home in Neu Meteln in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern live on the Austrian television.
you will return after a few reclusive years now in the literary world, she told the Austrian Agency APA. You have taken for your competition entry, parts of a narrative line on which you are working. “So, as this Text is now, he will not stand in the finished book,” she said. A publisher had already been requested. “I build lyrics like mathematics, there are lots of little building blocks.”
The award is endowed with 25 000 Euro and is considered to be one of the most important awards for German literature. He has been awarded since 1977 and is reminiscent of the Klagenfurt-born poet Ingeborg Bachmann (1926-1973).
The winner of the Bachmann prize for 2010:
2020: Helga Schubert
2019: Birgit Birnbacher
2018: Tanja Maljartschuk
2017: Ferdinand Schmalz
2016: Sharon Dodua Otoo
2015: Nora Gomringer
2014: Tex Rubinowitz
2013: Katja Petrowskaja
2012: Olga Martynova
2011: Maja Haderlap
2010: Peter Wawerzinek
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