She has traveled with the plane to Japan along with the rest of the WORLD cup-the team and the coach on an equal footing.

Yet at one point some of the other terms for Mia Rej.

She knows now that playing time will be extremely limited. In fact it is not even guaranteed, and may come not at all. She is raised with as a reserve

“I think really, it’s fine. Klavs (Bruun Jørgensen, ed.) has been very direct about my role. It has been easy to relate to. So far I’ve been here for soon 14 days and participated on an equal footing with all others. It works fine so far,” says Mia Rej.

“It has been so obvious. This is the paragraph I have chosen to take on. So is this how it is,” says the 29-year-old midfielder, who on a daily basis playing for Copenhagen Handball.

Previously the national coach Klavs Bruun Jørgensen called it ‘a tough message’, he has given to the two reserves, who are chosen according to whether they can cope with the task, which in itself is to know, you shall see it all from the sidelines. It requires a special mentality.

“It has also been a part of the consideration and the talk I have had with both players – especially with a type as Mia Rej which is used to from the club to be extremely dominant both spillemæssigt and ledermæssigt. It just is a completely different role. Especially when she will probably have to sit outside. It takes a lot of,” have Klavs Bruun Jørgensen earlier told about the two reserves, because of the distance have had to have from the start.

Mia Rej does not hide the fact that there were made some thoughts about taking the trip on the approximately 8.500 kilometers to the japanese Kumamoto, where the finals will be held.

“I have considered it. I discussed it at home and have discussed it in relation to whether I feel I can lift this here role,” says Mia Rej, who Trbet also do not notice a difference compared to teammates.

so far it’s all gone fine, and she is happy. She keeps herself ready, if there should come an injury.

And so she can also feel that the management team is good to involve both her and Cecilie Greve, who also is a reserve in the squad on a total of 18 players.

“It I think. To the test match was the Count and I know not with. So we talk a little with the leaders, and the strength coach a little bit. We try to utilize the time we have in the best possible way. I think the leaders are good,” says Mia Rej.

Klavs Bruun Jørgensen has in the past called her for a play with ‘ben in the nose’, which can also see the tournament as an opportunity to get closer to the team, when this year’s WORLD cup is over.

And although she probably going to spend the majority of the fans on the sidelines, makes the fairness from landstrænerteamet a part.

“I think, means a lot. Also, I think, Klavs well know, I prefer we just be honest with each other. He knows how I feel and vice versa. So it’s all out in the open,” says Mia Rej and continues:

“You don’t always agree, but how is it to be player and coach. We can just talk about it, and I have always had a good collaboration with Klavs,” says national player.