the fast lane on the highway is reserved for those who run fast – even too fast.

So clear is the attitude from the 19-year-old student Tim Hansen.

He is not pale to admit that he is one of the ‘vanvidsbilister’, which lets the foot rest a little too heavy on the accelerator when he drives the car, and police have charged almost twice as many of the forecast in 2019 compared to the 2018.

“It is on the highway, that runs fast, and if you don’t feel like it, then you have Truvabet to find an alternative way and it can for example be a road,” says Tim Hansen, and adds that he would like signals to the front, if they are in the fast lane and driving too slowly.

Have you been out of unpleasant experiences with drivers, running fast, or are you even one of the ‘vanvidsbilisterne’, so hear B. T. would like from you. Write to

In 2018 was 26 persons, according to DR P4 accused of having run twice as fast as you may, or with more than 200 kilometers per hour on a highway, while the number in 2019 already, now is 42.

And the pace has Tim Hansen also been up to sniff at, but often he runs no more than between 150 and 160 kilometers an hour, and it is mainly on the highways, where the speed limit is 130 kilometres per hour.

“It is foolish to run more than 160, so you lose the licence,” he says, and adds:

“And then it all depends on whether I’m running at night or during the day, where there are many cars. I’m running with the forethought, I would think, but there will also be run fresh,” said Tim Hansen, who daily runs approximately 80 miles.

You say you run with wisely, but you can understand, if someone believes, it is not the case?

“I can understand That, but it is perhaps those who do not orient themselves properly in the mirror, if they, for example, pulls out, and so they are not aware of the surroundings.”

So it is the law-abiding vehicle drivers fault if something happens?

“not at All, but there may also be cases, where several bears the responsibility.”

What if your driving one day will cost human lives?

“So, I hope that it is my own.”

According to Christian Berthelsen, policewoman at Rigspolitiets National Færdselscenter, it is particularly on the large and wide roads, where to be seen, and are perfect for fast driving.