Sports presenter Frank Buschmann (59) is turning his back on American football for the time being. As the broadcaster RTL announced, Buschmann is quitting as a commentator on the NFL broadcasts of the North American professional league after just one season. “I have thought a lot in the last few weeks and months, listened to myself and ultimately decided not to extend my contract with RTL NFL,” Buschmann is quoted as saying by his employer.

It was clear to him from the start that he would look from year to year and decide: “I’m turning 60 this year and I’m in a phase of my professional career where I want to concentrate on a few lighthouses that also fit my personal priorities.” His motto is: “Less is more.”

Of course, Buschmann will remain on the RTL broadcaster for the time being on other programs such as “Ninja Warrior Germany – The Strongest Show in Germany” or “Top Dog Germany – The Best Dog in Germany”. He is looking forward to these projects. Buschmann also apparently sees his commitment to NFL broadcasts as positive: “In the first RTL-NFL season we got a lot of new people excited about this great sport, but for me the NFL chapter ends at this point.” He wishes the entire crew in front of and behind the camera lots of fun and maximum success for the rest of their journey.

Frank Buschmann is a former basketball professional who from 1993 first commented on basketball games and later also football games for the then DSF (now Sport1). In his long career he worked as a sports commentator for the former broadcasters Arena and LIGA total!, but also for Sky, Sat.1 and kabel eins. As early as 2007, he partially switched to the entertainment sector and commented on, among other things, “Schlag den Raab” and other Raab productions such as the “TV total Stock Car Crash Challenge”. Buschmann has also been commentating for RTL since 2016, and he has worked exclusively in the entertainment sector for the Cologne broadcaster since 2017.