In the shadow of the Corona-crisis celebrates Magdalena Schreiber from Fahrenzhausen to your 96. Birthday. She says: “We have survived the war, we also create Corona”.

Magdalena Schreiber from Fahrenzhausen is 96 years old. Thanks to the Coronavirus, the big day is a little different than planned. Fear of infection, the sprightly Elderly woman but has not.

Appercha As Magdalene pen on may 24. May of 1924 saw in Appercha at Fahrenzhausen the light of the world, was in Germany at the beginning of the “Golden twenties”. The Weimar Republic seemed to have consolidated, production, consumption and national income increased steadily. Magdalena Schreiber grew up as the third child of the country people Michael and Maria Sepp to host a fixture on the family property “The cobbler”.

96. Birthday in times of Corona, Magdalena Schreiber celebrates yet

Magdalene visited the elementary school Fahrenzhausen and later worked for the farmers in the area. At the age of 17, she completed training as a Swiss. Actually, she wanted to be a seamstress but not of the Second world war, had this long-cherished wish come true. 22. In may 1946, and married Magdalene in the Church of Jarzt their large young love Johann Schreiber from Nachbarshof. As in the same year the father died, took over the young Couple, and henceforth the fortunes of the farmyard. A total of 68 happy marriage both of them could look back, 2014 Johann Schreiber died at the age of 93.

+ A beer on the Zugspitze has Magdalena Schreiber in front of the Corona with the daughter of Brigitta and son-in-law Thomas taste.©private

From the marriage two daughters and two sons were. A total of seven grandchildren and twelve great-grandchildren crown, the family happiness. Magdalena Schreiber is in the village and the municipality of Fahrenzhausen popular and well known. With your now 96 years of age, you don’t look at her, she’s still a veritable bundle of energy . Without the garden work, washing and Ironing for the family you could not live.

your favorite place , she likes to go back, the garden is on the mountain. But also trips and excursions are very high on your wish, the family meets like this.

Elderly woman Magdalena is 96 and is still fit as a fiddle

So it went in the last year, according to Franzensbad in Bohemia, Bad Kissingen, for the first Time in your life to the Zugspitze, or to Egypt, where they drink the first Cappuccino of your life. The Corona-crisis has now changed a lot, the grandchildren and great-grandchildren could not come so often, the Church was no longer able to visit and much more. But Magdalena pen is easy to not give in. Their motto: “We have survived the war, we manage to get through the Corona.” On the day you informed done each Morning in reading the local newspaper.

+ Work distracts Magdalena Schreiber in front of the gloomy thoughts. You seniors still packs always busy everywhere, where your help is needed. ©private

“We must not let any negative thoughts close”: Magdalena Schreiber on the Corona-crisis

Magdalena Schreiber is one of 96 years for the Corona-risk group. The agile Elderly woman was talking with the Freisinger Tagblatt about the pandemic. Fear of a contagion Magdalena Schreiber has not. In a crisis, they distract themselves with a lot of work.

Madam clerk, what do you say to the corona-related restrictions? You can see all of this?

I have experienced with my 96 years of such a pandemic and therefore the Whole thing is quite confusing.

Magdalena Schreiber: “I infect not afraid of me”

so you have to infect not afraid to – after all, you fall in the category of risk group?

no, I infect no fear of me. I’ll stay away from all the public Goings-on, and use my garden as a compensation.

What excites them the most?

the Wearing of The mouthguard, where it cannot be avoided.

The fact that you do not now see their grandchildren, great-grandchildren and the whole family so often, you are close. How to stay with your loved one still in contact?

I get more calls, pictures, and Videos via WhatsApp from the grandchildren. My in house living daughter Gitte, she shows me then.

do you Have a tip for all of us, how one can strengthen his immune system and as fit as possible and stay healthy?

Plenty of fresh air, adequate exercise, healthy life style.

just before 96. Birthday: “I am looking forward to the beer garden”

it Needs a healthy Dose of optimism to get us through crises?

One should approach in such crises no negative thoughts to yourself. To be surrounded by a lot of work, helps a lot.

And where do you get this positive attitude to life, if one is not blessed from the beginning with it?

The cohesion of the family and the unconditional will to make a difference, play a large role.

what are you looking forward to Corona in your life?

the family finally carefree again in the beer garden to go to.

news in the district of Freising

The daycare centers in the district of Freising fill up again. Educators report to the new daycare everyday with Corona. The Tenor: The closure “was hard”.

A sixth-grader was beaten up at the Echinger S-Bahn station. Fortunately, a Passer-by helped the boys. In the case of the unknown man, the mother would like to say thank you now.