Who would like to meet Heidi Kabel (1914-2010) in Hamburg, can do this still today: in Front of the new Ohnsorg theatre, directly behind the Hamburg main station and next to the Deutsches Schauspielhaus, welcomes the unforgettable Star of the visitors of the low German stage as a life-sized bronze statue.

“Heidi cable was very professional, never self-pitying, always warm-hearted”

In Winter, the character sometimes gets a scarf as a gift, in Corona times a mask. To your 10. Date of death 15. June reminded the Ohnsorg-theatre to its Social Media channels with a Film of the popular actress in the companions and Renewable get a word in. Also, the NDR shows in the television special programs and Heidi cable. dpa On 15. June 2020, the 10. Anniversary of the death of the Hamburger people’s actress Heidi Kabel.

“As Heidi cables in 1932 as an 18-year-old girl at the gates of the Ohnsorg-theater, knocked, nobody could have guessed what a unique career took their origins here,” says Michael Lang, artistic Director of the theatre, the German press Agency. “I saw you in all of our encounters as a very professional, never self-pitying, always warm-hearted, caring and modest.”

“, Even on the anniversary of the death of her husband, she made the idea of not fail,”

In the history of the Ohnsorg-theater is also the enormous discipline of Heidi cable was received certainly. “Even on the anniversary of the death of her husband, she let the idea not be, though any understanding would have had to do this: You can’t send people back home because of a private matter – so it looked Heidi cable.”

In more than 65 years, the actress stood in about 160 low German pieces on the stage, played the gossip addicts of neighboring women, and cats and house dragon, peasant cunning mothers and cranky Old. She convinced with mother wit and knowledge of human nature in all of the major female roles of the German national theater and made the low German far beyond the North known. “There is nothing more Beautiful for me than my audience Laugh, to bring to Think and to cry,” she said once. Reuters/Chris Pohlert/dpa Heidi cable in the piece “Froo Pieper levt dangerous”.

Ohnsorg performances in the TV ratings brought up to 80 percent

Heidi cable was Born on 27. August, 1914, the daughter of a middle-class Hanseatic merchant family, directly opposite the former Ohnsorg-Theater. As an 18-Year-old, she accompanied a friend to audition at the “low German stage”, which had been founded by Richard Ohnsorg in 1902 and was even engaged. Her mother had called her afterwards: “Heidi, you!”. In 1937 she married the film’s Director Hans Mahler, who was appointed in 1948 Director of the Ohnsorg-theater, and had three children: the sons of Jan-Rasmus and Heiko and daughter Heidi, who was also an actress and today the famous roles of her mother’s plays.

In Germany, Heidi cable was known in the 1950s, when television broadcast on Saturday evening, the performances from the Ohnsorg-Theater with ratings of up to 80 percent. Soon she was next to the Cologne Willy Millowitsch of the most popular actors of the folk theatre. And shone in pieces like “gossip in the stairwell”, where she played in 1962, the gossip-mongering neighbor Meta Boldt, “The Tarot reader” and “Mudder Mews”. In the movie “hände weg von Mississippi” by Detlev Buck, you stand in 2007 at the age of 92 the last Time in front of the camera.

“Heidi cable was angry: the funny pieces are from the Ohnsorg-Theater

“Heidi cable recorded” appeared on the stage as in life, very honest, approachable, and truly,” says Lang. He recall of a conversation in the dressing-room, as they waited for the appearance in a talk show. “You told me that you tease a little about that television would always record only the funny pieces from the Ohnsorg-Theater, although the Theater would show a much wider range.”

today the game plan was drawn up in the Ohnsorg very wide: in addition to the popular Comedy, modern Comedy, dramatic materials of the world literature and contemporary pieces are on the game plan.

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