The influx is taking its toll: the capacity of The Dorfener wastewater treatment plant needs to be doubled. And also in Wasen tegernbach measures are necessary.

Dorfen – the Constant influx and industrial development of the Boom-Region of Erding, not only bring advantages. So is encountered in Dorfen the performance of the municipal wastewater treatment plant is already at its limits and needs to be urgently ertüchtig. And also the smaller wastewater treatment plant in Wasen tegernbach is not enough for the Eastern part of the village there. The city must be expected for both measures, with a total investment of eight million euros. The construction and transport Committee of the city Council, decided for the larger of the two plants, the doubling of the capacity and Wasen tegernbach connection to Dorfen.

The Dorfener wastewater treatment plant was in 1975 at the Eastern edge of the city with a capacity of 13 000 inhabitants, equal to (EEC) built ten years ago, on 15 500 EEC expanded. Now it will be 32 000 EEC.

At the wastewater treatment plant Wasen tegernbach “what needs to be done to the limits,” explained Kostas Athanasiadis, managing Director of representative Dr-Steinle-Ingenieurgesellschaft für Abwassertechnik. Problems have to be found, the system including leakage from the tailings pond, the be To and the flow of values “not consistent”, the nitrogen discharge values “quite elevated”, and a new solution for the sludge disposal needs.

Three variants Athanasiadis presented the building Committee to: rehabilitation for around a Million euros (a net), the optimization for some 1.3 million euros (net) and the connection to the Dorfener facility for approximately 670 000 euros (net). The third variant is not the most attractive only to the “economic” but also the “best Option for the environment.”

It will be pumped via an approximately five-Kilometer long pipeline to the Dirt load in Dorfens wastewater treatment plant. 4850 Meter run urban reason. The operation of a second pumping station, built in safeguards. The annual operating cost of the connection to Dorfen from the event, with around 69 000 Euro at the cheapest.

The arguments were convincing. The Committee decided that Wasen tegernbacher system to the Dorfener connect. The planning services have been awarded to 106 000 euros to the engineer’s office Co-Plan AG. The engineering office Steinle is, in turn, since placing the order, in February 2019 for the planning of the Dorfener wastewater treatment plant is responsible.

This was pushed to the limits of its capacity and is already working from time to time about the border, reported depth Manager Jürgen Dietrich Department, nevertheless, you could adhere to “the required limit values”. There was agreement that there is, in Dorfen with constant population growth. For the clarification of the sewage must be secured in accordance with the statutory guidelines as a condition for the approval of further construction and industrial areas.

Therefore, the wastewater treatment plant is to be expanded to about 32 000 Inhabitants, which contains a buffer of 15 per cent. 20 000 EEC cargo for the municipal and 10 000 EEC for the commercial and industrial waste water as well as around 1500 EEC Wasen tegernbach scheduled.

Dorfens wastewater treatment plant will be modern, said Athanasiadis, it’ll be a second cleaning of the road with a new Aeration and final settling tanks in the East at the existing premises. This will be also an emergency operation is possible, such as the failure of one of the cleaning of streets or for necessary Work. Is built also a lazy tower with 300 cubic meters of volume. With the resulting Biogas in a cogeneration plant is operated, which generates electricity and heat for own needs.

Up to October 2020, the planning should be. The structural realization is planned from 2021 until the end of 2023. Also Wasen tegernbach is to be connected.

Andreas Hartl (GAL) to hooked, whether and how the measures will impact on the wastewater charges. The man could not say, as mayor Heinz Grundner (CSU), “since we are going to entertain us in the city Council”.