Kamal Achanta he played for TSV Gräfelfing in the table tennis League. His home in India is now suffering greatly under the Corona. Achanta is part of a relief operation.

Gräfelfing , Even India is affected by the global Corona-crisis. The population behind China’s second-largest country in the world has imposed the world’s immenseste curfew: 1.3 billion Indians have to stay for weeks at home. The flight and train services is largely set, schools, shopping malls, temples, churches and mosques have been closed. So far, there are officially 35 000 Corona-Infected, and more than 1200 Deaths. The actual number is probably much higher.

The whole country was divided into different zones. The Hotspots of the Virus are considered red zones that were cordoned off. In addition to Delhi, Mumbai and other metropolises, the 6.5-million population of Chennai city was determined on the East coast of India to a red Zone.

table tennis Pro Kamal Achanta makes to home city Chennai

Chennai is the home city of the family of Kamal Achanta. The Indian table tennis Pro played from 2010 to 2011 for the TSV Gräfelfing in the League and made this season his nationwide breakthrough. As the wolves in 2011, ended their activities in the top sport, joined Achanta to SV Werder Bremen.

+ breakthrough in the Würmtal: Kamal Achanta took ten years ago, when then-table-tennis-Bundesliga club TSV Gräfelfing.©Jürgen Sauer

Today, he proposes for Borussia Dusseldorf in the Bundesliga together with the German flagship of table Tennis, Timo Boll. In the world ranking Achanta proven as the best Indian rank 31. Most of the time of the year, the 37-Year-old spends not in Düsseldorf, but in his home country.

Corona: a number of people in Chennai will lose Jobs and go hungry

“In our Region, there are a lot of Slums and people have now due to the lockdown, no work and therefore no money. I want to help them,“ says Kamal Achanta. Many Indians, especially the poor layers of the population, living from Hand to mouth. In the aftermath of the Coronavirus, they have lost their simple Jobs such as in factories and shops. Without savings and a Social and health system, as in Germany, threatens many with starvation.

Achanta and his family organize a support campaign

Achantas family organized together with some non-governmental organizations, called NGOs, as well as the local police and other volunteers, the filling and distribution of free aid packages. “In the bags of five pounds each of rice and six pounds of miscellaneous vegetables. A bag enough so that a family can survive two weeks,“ says Kamal Achanta. “Since the Shutdown lasts but a total of many weeks, we need many of such bags.”

+ a family affair: The former Gräfelfinger table tennis player Kamal Achanta (l) helps his father (M.) and his brother Starving in India.©Private

The table tennis star self-distributed, together with his father and brother, around 100 bags and helped about 300 people. A bag will cost the donor approximately four euros.

organizations to help the Ex-players of the TSV Gräfelfing

The Partner-NGOs such as “Bhoomika Trust” involved in the action, handing out hundreds of other bags, and took care of the procurement of rice and vegetables from producers in the Region. Such large quantities of food in India is not just buy in a store, in the Corona-exception situation, not at all.

+ Five kilos of rice, and six pounds of vegetables©come in each bag for the needy.Private

Achanta must also be aware of the output limitations and other Corona-measures, which makes Organizing difficult. Without the help of the NGOs, the action would, therefore, be hardly possible.

TSV Gräfelfing supports Achanta donation account set up

in Order to help the people in Chennai, also supports the table tennis Department of the TSV Gräfelfing the action of your former Topspielers. Jürgen Triep, Deputy head of Department, in recent years, has regularly contact with his friend Kamal, and has recently set up a Bank account for donations for the food bags.

+ “for Me, the images are gone from the head. I want to help Kamal and the people to fight first the Hunger and then the Virus“, says Jürgen Triep, Assistant tennis Department head of the TSV Gräfelfing.©TSV Gräfelfing

Triep wrote some mails to the members of the TSV and the Federation League southwest and pointed to the action, and he got a lot of positive responses. “I’ve also seen a report on television about the Corona Situation in India. To me, the bad pictures are gone from the head. I would like to help Kamal and the people there, to fight first the Hunger and then the Virus“, says Jürgen Triep.


donations of money

for the auxiliary action is possible by Bank Transfer to the account DE02 7025 0150 0022 4466 86 at the kreissparkasse München Starnberg Ebersberg, owner: Kamal Achanta; purpose: the “TT help India”. The Association supports the action with a minimum of 3000 euros, is Kamal Achanta for a day of training available. Questions to sharathkamal@gmail.com