the children were sent in the 60s to the 80s in the Federal Republic in the so – called children’s sanatoriums for rest and recovery, to be abused, tortured been. The research of “Report Mainz” show. The editors 250 experience reports of former Kurkinder are approx. These reports of threats and beatings, humiliations and torments, such as, for example, the need to your own vomit again and again eat. Exciting, but just no time?

Now save articles for later, in “the Pocket”

Such abuse it should be nationwide in the children’s rest homes of the North sea to Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg. Has collected these reports Anja Röhl, founded by an Initiative of the former “deportation of children”. It calls for a review of the events during the treatments.

Six former Kurkinder reports in ARD-Reportage

talk for the First time, now to the “Report Mainz” six women about their former experiences: “This was a bad nightmare for me,” says the Berlin-based Karin Kanitz. Leonie Seliger, today, living in Canterbury, recalls: “Real sadism is expired.” As a Trauma Katharina Petersen-Häusler referred to their stay in a children’s sanatorium on the island of Sylt, which is now more than 50 years back, still today.

As a particularly traumatic for many to describe the Situation in the dining room: The food in the facilities is consistently described as disgusting: “It vomited in the plate was clean, and the children had to eat the vomit with the rest of the food again. Have vomiting until had to eat again, to the end. The own vomit. This is really one of the worst events. And describe almost all”, says Anja Röhl. Each week provides you FOCUS Online with the most important news from the knowledge Department. Here you can subscribe to the Newsletter.

women suffering from the events

Even today, the women are suffering massively under the now 50 years of past events, this will in all Interviews: “We came back different, as we went. We were hurt, and back wounded, in our souls and physically,” concludes Anja Röhl their experiences of that time.

“This went on for over ten, twenty to thirty years. And to the millions of children and this needs to be worked on,” says Anja Röhl to “Report Mainz” and calls for “state aid”. These should be similarly organized as the Fund former home children.

children should be strengthened in the treatments and with “a special love” treated

government records show that vulnerable children should be strengthened through the treatments. In this case, the staff should give “you the courage to face life”, and with “a special love” encounter. In 1963, there were 839 of such children’s sanatoriums, with space for up to 350,000 children per year. In the same year, over 200,000 kurbedürftige children are alone from NRW sent.

of these children chic gifts youth offices, municipalities, health insurance funds, German red cross, arbeiterwohlfahrt, Diakonie and Caritas were Involved at the time, among others. At the request of “Report Mainz” declare unanimously, that they apart from cases of such abuse, of absolute, single, no knowledge would have.

The Federal Ministry of health and the diakonia let the questions of “Report Mainz” unanswered. The Caritas insured to intensive education and workup be involved, if their facilities were affected. To what extent is it in the children’s nursing to these described abuses has in the past been, is unknown until today.

NS-actors held senior positions

According to research by the policy magazine, several of these sanatoriums have been after the war by high-ranking national socialists headed. “Report Mainz” has researched three cases of high-ranking Nazi actors meticulously.

war criminal Werner Scheu

Among them is the convicted war criminal Werner Scheu. On the North sea island of Borkum for years he headed the children’s health resort “Mövennest”. In the NS-time Shy was a member of the NSDAP and the Waffen-SS. In 1941, he was involved as an officer in the shooting of 220 Lithuanian Jews. Shy killed several of them and was sentenced later to life in prison. In his home, children were harassed and tormented. A Concerned, which was in Scheus home to the cure, recalls in an interview with “Report Mainz” to have the punishment in the night for hours barefoot on the cold floor standing. Once you had been even locked in the Sauna.

SS major General Hugo Kraas

In St. Peter Ording led Hugo Kraas in the ‘ 70s, and the children’s health resort “Seeschloß”. Kraas was one of the highest-ranking generals of the Waffen-SS, also a member of the NSDAP. Him numerous war were awarded medals. According to research by “Report Mainz”, he remained until his death a staunch Nazi. So, he took part in about 1966 at the funeral of SS Colonel-group leader Sepp Dietrich, a convicted war criminal. There, he presented the order with the knights cross and other Nazi. In addition, Kraas was a member of the “auxiliary community on mutuality of the members of the former Waffen-SS” (HIAG), which at times was evaluated by the protection of the Constitution as a right-wing extremist and observed.

“Nazi-doctor” Albert Viethen

In the Bavarian town of Berchtesgaden, Albert Viethen the medical Director of the children kurheims was “beautiful view”. In addition, he worked in other children’s nursing. In the NS-time Viethen member was in about a dozen Nazi organizations – the Nazi party on the Nazi doctors Federal to SS. He was also involved in euthanasia crimes. From his clinic during the Nazi-time were transferred to prison in about 20 children in a killing. Seven were murdered then there can be proven. Also in the children’s health resort “beautiful view,” children were tortured, reports Affected, in the interview with “Report Mainz”. In 1963, Viethen, was indicted for accessory to murder. He comes because he wants to have known of the murder actions, nothing. Historians take this as far-fetched excuse. FOCUS Online provides you with the most exciting Reports from the parents. Here you can subscribe to the Newsletter.

policy promises workup

In the Interview with “Report Mainz”, assured the Chairman of the social Affairs conference, Manfred Lucha, the decades-long and widespread ill-treatment during treatment of Children to work on. “We look because in some shallows, in some dark holes,” said Lucha. Everything had been during the treatments is bad and illegal, needs to be refurbished. Finally, the state carrying the responsibility for the protection of children. “There can be no state of failure,” said Lucha.

  • More: Monday, 10. August, 22:00 in the series “Exclusiv im ersten”: “Tormented, humiliated, harassed. The battle of former Kurkinder to enlightenment”

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