The AfD in the Bundestag, and Co-Chairman of his party, Tino Chrupalla, has approved of the planned withdrawal of US troops from Germany in principle. The more responsive the principle program of the AfD, which provides for the withdrawal of the allied troops and the nuclear warheads of the United States, said Chrupalla on Sunday in the ZDF-“summer interview”. This could make Europe a little more peaceful, and could be a good Signal to Russia. As for the AfD, Russia is part of Europe. “We need an active peace policy,” said Chrupalla and demanded that the sanctions would have to be finished with against Russia, also from an economic point of view.

ZDF-“summer interview” with Tino Chrupalla in the Live Stream, see how to:

The “summer interview” with Tino Chrupalla is on Sunday, to see 19.10 in the ZDF.

  • “summer interview” with Söder: Live Stream of ZDF

ZDF-“summer interview” with Waipu (display) to view

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AfD-Chef Chrupalla : Wearing masks to secure voluntary

happened to The debate about the Wearing of face masks for protection against a Corona of infection, said the AfD Co-chief, the Wearing of masks for the mouth and the nose needs to happen voluntarily. It is a matter of the proportionality of the measures to be taken against Corona. At-risk groups such as old people, a mask would be appropriate in certain situations, certainly, but then it had to be one with a high degree of efficiency (FFP-2), not the commercial. Wearing a mask in the schools reject the AfD in General.

currently the AfD is excluded, past the Brandenburg group chief Andreas Kalbitz, said the AfD Co-chief, he will judge the people by their current Actions. Him Kalbitz was not noticed during her six years of acquaintance as an Extremist. People could change. However, he would have been able to distance itself from its past more clearly, made Chrupalla significantly. If Kalbitz have lied in his party, then he will be excluded of course. Until this is ultimately resolved, it is even more important to be seen.

The AfD Federal Executive had explained to the membership of Kalbitz in may with a slim majority null and void. As the reason for the decision, the Board stated that Kalbitz not have given in to joining the party in 2013, a former membership in the now-banned right-wing “homeland-faithful German youth” (HDJ), and the Republicans between the end of 1993 and beginning of 1994. This decision had the AfD Federal arbitration confirmed by the court at the end of July. In addition to Thuringia, a country in-chief Björn Höcke Kalbitz is considered to be the main representative of the right-national flow in the party.

bull heat on the weekend: Where midnight is still far above 20 degrees Celsius prevail PCP bull heat on the weekend: Where midnight is still far above 20 degrees C
