Large trees and dense hedges or shrubs cast large shadows, but even near houses and stone walls, the hours of sunshine for groundcover are limited. In order for the natural weed killers to be able to develop their blossoms and leaves to the full, many of them need a sunny location. The good news, however, is that there are also ground covers that will grow and thrive even in a shady (or at least semi-shady) spot without any problems. We present five of them in more detail below.

The evergreen groundcover is known for its dense growth. It thrives in sunny, semi-shady and shady locations – this makes it particularly easy to care for. Its flowers are at their most beautiful from spring to late summer, while the leaves remain green throughout the winter. Vinca minor ‘Blau’ prefers loose, humus-rich soil so that the carpet of plants can spread quickly and nip any weeds in the bud. As far as watering is concerned, you can safely leave the pot standing unless there is a long period of drought (we remember the record summer of 2022). More details can be found here:




ca. 20 cm

planting distance:

20 to 30 cm

Quantity per square meter:

6 to 8

In summer, the dwarf hydrangea bears an infinite number of flowers – over several months (June to September). Due to its compact growth, the hardy plant is suitable as a groundcover for semi-shady and shady places around the house and garden. However, the soil should be moist so that the carpet of plants can spread quickly and extensively. A clay soil, on the other hand, is less suitable and should definitely be enriched with sand and humus. Important to know: The dwarf hydrangea Lace Delight is a shrub and therefore loses its leaves in autumn. At this point, the plant is already developing its buds for the following year.




40 to 50 cm

planting distance:

80 to 100 cm

Growth per year:

about 15 to 20 cm

The Koreana plant is also a dwarf hydrangea. Due to its low stature, the new breed is a suitable ground cover for semi-shady to shady locations. In addition to the deciduous green leaves, the natural weed killer is characterized by many blue or pink flowers (depending on the soil reaction). Especially in the summer months, i.e. June to September, the hardy plant shows its best side – provided it thrives on nutrient-rich and moist soil. And with this dwarf hydrangea, the buds for next year’s flowers are already forming in the autumn months.




40 to 50 cm

planting distance:

80 to 100 cm

delivery size

about 15 to 20 cm

This hardy groundcover is known for growing fast and densely. For this reason, it is often used as a lawn substitute – just without the hassle of mowing. The flowering period of Lippia ‘Summer Pearls®’ begins as early as May and ends in October, so that its beautiful flowers serve as a food source for numerous insects for a long time. What is particularly noteworthy about this hardy plant is that it can withstand both heat and cold (down to approx. minus 15° C) very well. And when it comes to the location, the easy-care ground cover does not have any great demands – it grows just as well in the sun as in partial shade or shade.




5 to 10 cm

planting distance:

3 to 4 per m²

delivery size

9 x 9 cm (pot)

In contrast to the first four plants, which are suitable for shady locations, this hardy groundcover prefers a sunny to partially shaded spot. This is the only way for it to unfold its beautiful sea of ??flowers between June and August. Nevertheless, the natural weed killer is particularly easy to care for and hardwearing, so that it can also be used as a lawn replacement without any problems – without adding large amounts of water. However, if you plant the ground cover Isotoma Blue Foot® (Isotoma fluviatilis) freshly in the soil, it should not dry out during the growth phase. The plant should only be fertilized after it has developed new leaves.




5 to 10 cm

planting distance:

20 to 30 cm

delivery size

9 x 9 cm (pot)

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