Queen Camilla is following the example of her mother-in-law Queen Elizabeth II and no longer wants to buy new fur products. Animal rights group Peta welcomed the move, which was accompanied by Buckingham Palace’s “warmest wishes” from the wife of King Charles III. was communicated.

“It is right and appropriate that the British monarchy reflects British values ​​by recognizing that fur has no place in our society,” said PETA founder Ingrid Newkirk, according to a statement on Wednesday.

At the same time, the organization strongly demanded that the British Ministry of Defense finally stop its practice of using real bearskin for the hats of the Royal Guardsmen. The ministry, for its part, emphasizes that the bear skins used came from legal and licensed hunts. In addition, there is currently no alternative that meets the necessary standards.

As the British news agency PA reported, Camilla’s letter to Peta said: “In response to your request, I can confirm that Her Majesty will not be procuring any new fur garments. This is with the Queen’s warmest wishes.” Peta criticized Camilla when she wore a rabbit fur stole in Canada in 2009. Her mother-in-law Elizabeth announced in 2019 that she would no longer be purchasing new furs.

The royal couple is generally known for their commitment to animals and the environment. For the first time, the traditional coronation roll, on which the coronation of Charles and Camilla is described in handwriting, was made of paper and not animal skin. However, both monarchs wore fur – ermine – on robes and crowns at the ceremony on May 6, 2023. It was previously emphasized that Charles had used one of his mother’s robe and that an earlier fur had been used for Camilla’s cloak.