Stadtwerke Weilheim laying in the station area water and sewer pipes, as well as broadband lines. This last week has been dug already – due to a metal Fund piece in the ground.

Weilheim – affect The Corona of a pandemic, the work of the “Stadtwerke Weilheim”. The company wanted to move to the end of March directly in front of the station and in the station Avenue water and sewer pipes, as well as broadband lines. However, immediately prior to the start of the corona stopped the constraints of the project. The new start date should be expected according to the Homepage, “in the 22. Calendar week“ lie. In fact, employees of public utilities in action on Tuesday at the forecourt of the station, and opened there a ceiling on the Tar. But this “was only the vanguard,” as Stadtwerke-in-chief Peter Miller said on request. Really start – with temporary closures in the area – is it now on 2. June.

Work is carried out in three sections, also to keep the traffic low. First of all, you are working directly in front of the Station, then on the sidewalk in front of the station, and finally to the railway station Avenue. It must also be interlocked with the Work at the bus station (in the Northern area of the station area) and will be voted on. “It’s complicated”, says Müller. The civil engineering company “Haseitl power”, the road construction company “Richard Schulz”, which is also involved in the bus station takes over. The Baulager is arranged on a surface in the direction of the city centre, in the vicinity of the kebab stand.

Stadtwerke: Corona delayed the start of construction at the station

Stadtwerke renew the water and sewage lines. “The sewage pipes, often it is a larger diameter than before,” says Stefan Hartmann, head of “water & sewage”. “This is also due to the upcoming construction at the Station end.” The bus services will be temporarily relocated to the municipal replacement Parking at the railway station road. “We describe the current diversions in each case,” Müller said. At the same time, the municipal utility of increasing the density of their glass fiber network in the centre of Weilheim, as well as in the station environment. The entire Work will take, according to the communication from the Stadtwerke expected until September.

On Tuesday, the advanced employees of public utilities to a piece of metal to dig up, which had been discovered in investigations carried out under the forecourt. To four square meters of Asphalt was exposed. The Fund turned out to be harmless – it was, apparently, the masts, the holder of an old phone. Of a possible bomb (the weilheimer station was on 19. April 1945, the target of an attack have been) “was nothing to see,” says Müller, is happy about that. A “suspected point”, the Stadtwerke-chief, found himself in the train station Allee – it was a manhole cover that had been wrapped with tar.

Stadtwerke: temporary closures at the station

After the middle of March due to the Corona pandemic stringent output restrictions adopted had been, had taken the Stadtwerke to carry the metal pieces to the surface. Because the employees were on a legacy of the Second world war, encountered, would have had to be evacuated to the field, possibly in a larger radius. The risk to be able to risk of infections or conditions do not comply with, would have been, according to Müller to large.

In the past years, there was construction at the train station before world war finds. 2018 a 500-Kilo aerial bomb revealed was promoted. In a 500-Meter Radius around the location of more than 3000 people had to be evacuated, scarce 700 were in shelters. In the evening, the bomb could be defused.

Stadtwerke: construction work at the station

In the year 2014 had been discovered for dredging activities in the track bed, and a 500-pound bomb. The evacuation was, at the time, 2800 people, 420 forces were deployed. The defuse, went in the evening across the stage, took 20 minutes.

And in 2007, was in a June night directly under Track 1, the directly at the train station building opposite strand seemed to be, of construction workers for a 250-Kilo bomb was discovered. Around 8.20 PM called for the demolition master had done his work at that time. Already against 9 o’clock the trains ran again.

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