hardly a day goes by that Attila Hildmann, with its abstruse conspiracy theories for the Corona-pandemic not to attention seeks and for head shaking. It was as a ringleader in an Anti-Corona-Demonstration, via Twitter, on YouTube, or – as is currently the case in his Telegram group, the more than 60,000 members. (Also read: Corona Fake News – The demand Drosten and co.)

Attila Hildmann believes: “This is Satan’s Plan!”

Since the beginning of the Corona pandemic, the Vegan chef and restaurant owner, the Federal government is always hard, again because of their Corona-measures goes on. He also spread steadily diffuse theories – including the Implantation of micro-chips in the skin of people by Bill Gates, the announcement of a supposedly imminent third world war, precisely from the “Regime” planned Lockdown-span of 18 months, and Angela Merkel’s plans, Germany suck. He constantly refers to his private group when the Messenger service Telegram.

On this channel, he spread most recently, his latest ideas, which were sent by the Screenshot to the Public. Via text message, he speaks of by means of vaccination of nanotechnology in the human body would not transplanted, who defined a direct link to a – from him – Cloud manufacturing. “That’s what Corona. Your Ego should be uploaded to a Cloud, the line in your body is put through a vaccination, and the nano technology provides the connection to the Cloud.” But that’s not enough, the former TV chef also knows who is responsible. And this Time, it is not the responsible, exceptionally, the head of Microsoft Bill Gates or German Chancellor Angela Merkel. No, it is the devil himself. “You’re supposed to without being asked to be immortal, so that you remain in this material world caught up and never have your peace of mind can get, to never come God can. This is Satan’s Plan!” (Also interesting: Joko & Klaas’ 15-minute Call-in Show, “Who something think?” debunks Corona-deniers)

reactions to Attila Hildmanns latest theories are used to mocking

The more Hildmann, with its abstruse ideas advances, the more he carried himself so self-ins. So it is hardly surprising that even the latest theories of the Corona critic in the social networks for all sorts of Amusement.

This article was written by (GQ.de)

*The contribution of “Attila Hildmann: conspiracy theories will always be released obscure” is from GQ. Contact with the executives here.