It goes really well for Astralis, and one of the reasons is the brain behind the team, their coach, Danny ‘zonic’ Sørensen.

But the 33-year-old coach is a family man, and the many travel days away from kids and wife is hard for the trainer who opens the door, that he may not be a coach in the Astralis far in the future.

he tells This in a interview with B. T.

on Sunday won Astralis even a tournament, when they prevailed in the ECS Season 8 Finals in Dallas and won just about 1.5 million. Now waiting for the EPL Finals in Odense this week, before heading straight to Bahrain.

Many days away from Denmark in a short time. Although it can be difficult for Danny ‘zonic’ Sørensen to be away, he wants to give his children the opportunity to grow up without missing something:

“It takes really hard on the family, that I travel so much, why I would like to also ensure me that my children need to avoid to be to think about whether we can afford basic things, as I did when I was a child.”

The many days away from family has made, that the trainer does not is dismissive of his role on the team for the foreseeable future may change:

“I will continue as long as I can, and as long as my wife can handle our two kids alone, as she does the majority of the year. In Astralis we develop all the time the way we do things, so who knows how my role is about three and five years. But right now it trænerjobbet that attracts me.”

“I have not made me thinking about a different role in the Astralis, even though I p.t. do not see myself in other places. But the trainer role may well change in line with everything else.”

even Though Danny ‘zonic’ Sørensen’s role may change, so, he is convinced that he will be in the Counter-Strike world:

“All my focus is on Astralis, but I would like to work with esport for the rest of my life. Due to family and the high pressure that is located on a trainer and Counter-Strike-team in general, so it may be that I at one time or another will seek a different role. But, as I said, it’s not something I’ve thought through carefully. Right now, there is the next battle and achievement, which is the only one who fills with me.”

As the very young, however, it was not the next match, which filled the something for the coach, but rather the next place to do graffiti. The coach was in his younger days on the way out of a criminal way, but the mother and Counter-Strike was to pull him in the right direction again:

“There had probably been a real risk that I had been a criminal without Counter-Strike, but if I am to be completely honest, it is difficult to answer. My immediate bet would be that I have enough in one way or another had come unscathed through anyway. You never know.”

Danny ‘zonic’ Sørensen is the mother forever teknemmelig, and now he is glad that he can pay her back:

“There is, of course, slightly larger gifts for birthdays and christmas, but my mother does not lack anything. If there are some unexpected expenses like for example tandlægeregninger, or something, my mother is missing, she knows that I always stand ready to help. My mother is, however, proud, and with her children to support her, she has never asked, but I helps so much to, as she now allows.”

“I’m proud of my mother, that she, in spite of the difficult conditions managed to get three reasonable children ready for society. To have parents who believe in the one and the support one, whether you make mistakes, I think it means everything,” says Danny Sorensen.

It is also becoming known to the public, to Astralis earn millions in the course of a year, and therefore, there is also money for a little self-indulgence for Astralis-trainer:

“I use my money on some of the things I couldn’t when I had them. I have also ‘invested’ in a nice car and bought an apartment. I think a lot of to protect my money, as I know what it has taken to get to this point.”

“The only thing that matters to me is that the ones close to me are not missing anything,” concludes Danny ‘zonic’ Sørensen.

Astralis-the coach has just released the book ‘the Brain behind the Astralis’ in collaboration with Markus Bernsen.