on Monday Astralis Group listed and got a rare, high valuation at half a billion dollars.

Subsequently, an expert criticised that the purchase of shares in Astralis Group, and also of esportshold general.

In an interview with B. T. is Astralis Group’s CEO and founder, Nikolaj Nyholm, now to the criticism.

Mads Christiansen who is the expert, who was critical of the stock, was nervous, whether it is a business model that earns money, as it is a completely new market on the stock exchange, and on the esportsholdene are the ones who are going to make money.

It is not something that worries Nikolaj Nyholm. But he can see that there are risks associated with the share:

“The biggest risk, as I see it, is whether we manage to move the value over to an esport fan, so he has just as high of value as a football fan, as well as to the media rights move with. It is quite legitimate question to ask, because we have not proven that we can it yet. We can attract the viewers and fans.”

“Now, we must prove that we can also get the same financial value out per. viewer or fan, as the other sports can. A reader of a newspaper is worth much more in dollars and cents than a esport fan in the day. We need to change. We must prove that we can continue to grow,” says Nikolaj Nyholm.

The half a billion in valuation also means that there must be some millions through the system, and who have Astralis Group, of course, put a plan in place for how those millions must come into the company:

“Our fan base is across borders, like the biggest football clubs, and we are beginning to look to offer media products in the sale of subscription services. It is the products we have under development and which we need to prove ourselves with. There are of course eksekveringsrisiko.”

“We are also in cooperation with spiludviklingen of League Of Legends Riot Games has gone into a so-called franchise league. It is spiludviklingernes the Champions League. Riot Games has placed four global franchise leagues. In each league will play 10 teams, and it is only the 10 teams that play. The three best teams from the four regions will meet in the world championship,” says Nikolaj Nyholm, before he continues:

“So it is one of the ways in which we can resist some years, where it competitively goes worse, since we are guaranteed a seat no matter what. The 10 teams are divided about half of the revenue from media rights and half of the egeblad on the sponsorships at the league level and also on a portion of the revenue from the game.”

Hovedindtægten must, however, come through the media rights, where Nikolaj Nyholm think that esport can be something very special:

“that develops as soon as right now, is the media rights. Media rights have value, if it can be sold ads, and the here target, which we hit, as are those in the 18-39 years, is impossible to achieve just as much in other ways,” says Nikolaj Nyholm.