Actress Caroline Peters (“Murder with a View”) supports the demonstrations against right-wing extremism. “I find it extremely gratifying that so many people had the same thought and said: We have to act ourselves now and not always just let others act,” the 52-year-old told the dpa. “If the right-wing groups organize themselves in their Telegram groups or elsewhere, then we on the other side have to do the same. Then we have to give each other arguments.” It’s about showing that you are not alone. The Grimme Prize winner said she “very much” supports the demos against right-wing extremism.

Since mid-January, hundreds of thousands of people across Germany have been demonstrating for democracy, against right-wing extremism and against the AfD. The trigger was research by the media company Correctiv into a meeting between radical right-wingers and individual politicians from the AfD, CDU and Values ​​Union in Potsdam in November. There, the former head of the right-wing extremist Identitarian Movement in Austria, Martin Sellner, said he spoke about the concept of so-called remigration. When right-wing extremists use the term, they usually mean that large numbers of people of foreign origin should leave the country – even under duress. The meeting “alarmed her to the highest degree,” said Peters. “No one can say more, we didn’t know what they were planning.”