A woman from Ohio, USA, who planned to bomb a pipeline and carry out a terrorist attack at a local bar, will spend the next 15 years in prison.

The 24-year-old Elizabeth Lecron was sentenced to prison, plus to be under lifelong supervision, to plan the attack on a bar in Toledo and an oil pipeline in Georgia in 2018, informs the FBI.

Together with her boyfriend, Vincent Armstrong, was Lecron occupied by masseskyderier and other violent attacks.

They were apparently the interest to visit a place on the internet, ‘True Crime Community’ (The True Crime Society).

According to the police, it is a place where fetichgrupper meet. It writes the New York Post.

Elizabeth Lecron wrote letters to Dylann Roof – the man who went berserk Sekabet and killed nine colored americans in a church in South Carolina the 17. June 2015.

He has since been sentenced to death and sitting on death row in the prison in Terre Haute, Indiana. Elizabeth Lecron is one out of four who have written to Roof.

the Couple have also visited the places connected to the massacre at Columbine High School.

two students, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, berserk and killed 12 students and a teacher the 20. april 1999. They committed subsequent suicide at the school.

Lecron and Armstrong have also bought guns, and they have visited a shooting range in order to be ready for the planned attack. What they called the ‘D-day’.

‘the D-day will be my salvation,’ wrote Lecron, while they practiced their weapon use.

in addition to their arsenal of weapons has Elizabeth Lecron been in the shop for a kilo of black powder and hundreds of screws to use for the bombing of the pipeline.

“the Judgment today reflects the seriousness of her deeds. And it is a testament to the continuing struggle to protect the public from any threat,” said lawyer Justin Herdman after the delivery.