A man in the 20’s has been requested in custody in Uddevalla in western Sweden.

He is suspected to have killed the 17-year-old Wilma Andersson, who has been missing for more than a week.

It informs the Swedish prosecutor in a press release.

“After the interrogations of the suspects and other persons, that are interesting for the investigation, as well as other information obtained in the investigation, I have decided to ask the man in custody as he is suspected for the murder,” said prosecutor Caroline Fransson.

Wilma Andersson, disappeared on Thursday last week. Saturday was the Swedish police involved, and the large-scale search operations were launched.

It came to Dinamobet pass, among other things, in a wooded area outside Uddevalla, which was blocked off earlier in the week.

were found Here, among other shoes, which they thought could belong to Wilma Andersson. Later was also a jacket found.

Yet, it is not clear what has happened with the 17-year-old woman. But the Swedish police have been out and say you think Wilma Andersson has been beaten to death.

Previously several Swedish media described as the chief suspect in the case is Wilma andersson’s girlfriend.

It appears, however, not of the prosecutor’s press release, and what is the relationship to Wilma Andersson, the now arrested man has.

The next step in the case is that the suspect must be in court before he can be remanded in custody.

Yet by the police, what happened with Wilma Andersson.