‘Avengers: Endgame’, the highest grossing movie in history after overtaking ‘Avatar’ ‘The irishman’, de Scorsese, the most awaited movie of the year, he will be only in 45 theaters

During the last five years, Spanish cinema had passed the € 100 million at the box office annually. Good times thanks to titles such as Champions, Javier Fesser; Perfect strangers, of Alex of the Church; A monster comes to see me, Juan Antonio Bayona, or Eight Catalan surnames, Emilio Martínez-Lázaro. In 2019, the Spanish film highest grossing will be a Father there is more than one, of Santiago Segura, who has raised 14.2 million euros, thanks to the 2.4 million tickets sold. The comedy, the producer of the film Bowfinger, has become the hit of the year and the eighth highest-grossing in the list of films seen in Spain. However, the Spanish cinema will close by 2019 with bad numbers: in total will add about 95 million euros of revenue just in the season in the box office, in contrast, has grown by 7%, and move closer to the 625 million euros. More of the public has been to the cinema in Spain, less viewers have chosen feature films in Spanish. The share of Spanish cinema will fall below the 15%.

The 10 films more tellers, 2019

1. is The lion king , from Jon Favreau.37.1 million euros.

2. is Joker , Todd Phillips. 29.9 million.

3. is Avengers: Endgame , of Anthony and Joe Russo. 29.1 million.

4 . Aladdin , Guy Ritchie. 25.1 million.

5. is Toy Story 4 , by Josh Cooley. 20.7 million.

6. is Frozen II , Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee. 16.5 million.

7. is Dumbo , of Tim Burton. 14.4 million.

8. is Parent there is more than one , Santiago Segura. 14.2 million.

9 . Spider-Man: far from home , by Jon Watts. 13.4 million.

10. is Captain Marvel , Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck.12.7 million.

there is Still no definitive data, because of the lack of by post the box office this week, which includes the afternoon / night of Christmas, with rooms full of families, and this weekend, in which was premiered on tiny women, while The rise of the clones and Jumanji: next level continue to attract the family audience. From ComScore, the auditor that collects the data from the ticket office at commercial cinemas Spanish, prefer not to pass and wait for the end of the season. Subsequently, the Ministry of Culture be added to the collections of other screenings: cinema of summer, cycles, festivals… But the first figures point to some keys: Disney eats more than 70% of the revenue, to add to Disney more Marvel more Star Wars; the Spanish film suffers from that Telecinco Cinema has only released two titles this year -leave when he wants, Carlos Therón, and If I were a rich man, Álvaro Fernández Armero, second and fourth in fundraising, respectively – instead of the usual four, and that the middle class in the cinema is disappearing, fagocitada by the huge releases of the majors, the studios of Hollywood. The producer, Pilar Benito, president of the State Association of Film, he clarifies: “do Not leave us hollow. Disney triumphs in the top20 of the most blockbuster of 2019: a listing of movies franchise, four films Spanish, once Upon a time in… Hollywood and the Green Book. Kill the competition”. Benito highlighted, as a positive note, “which at least has entered a title in Spanish that is not comedy: for the duration of the war, by Alejandro Amenábar”.

“it Passes, as in the global economy, which will go away those titles. Disney rampage, and that affects up to Spanish cinema”, Maria Luisa Gutierrez, producer of Bowfinger International Pictures, the company behind Father there is more than one, who on Thursday began shooting his second part. “In the current times, in which triumphs the immediate consumption, as soon as you give the public what it wants, the better. But we have not filmed with a script that we don’t want it”. Mercedes Gamero, director general of Atresmedia Cine, the production company of television that supported the comedy of Safe, impinges on the middle class: “This year we have released 10 films, three less than in 2018, and we have fared better: add € 29 million. But in general yes you will note that this year only six Spanish films are more than three million euros [in addition to the above, for the duration of the war, Amenábar, with 10.9 million; Pain and glory, of Almodóvar, with 5.7 million, and Under the same roof, Juana Macias, with 3.9 million] in front of nine titles in 2018. It is the drama of the middle class. The continuity in the industry would come up with 15 films exceeding that amount”. Ghislain Barrois, ceo of Telecinco Cinema, this season is the second largest producer of cinema in Spain with 21.8 million, explains: “We have done well, and I think we film people want to see —I mean, to us and to the creators as Santiago-. We did the homework. In 2019, we will be more eclectic and, hopefully, the more constant”.

Santiago Segura: “there are No secrets. I do what I know best”

Yesterday mid-morning, in a change of sequence, Santiago Segura (Madrid, 54 years) serving the mobile. It is the second day of shooting of the Father there is more that one 2, a continuation of the Spanish film highest grossing of 2019, which directs and stars as the previous one, and that already has a release date: July 17, 2020.

Question. When he thought of this second part?

Response. When he finished the first filming, the children wanted to as brothers and sisters and took to crying. Wanted a second part. I explained to them that the thing was not so easy. But the box office and good reviews general paved the way. In September I started to write the script. In the end, another year that I, myself, left me without vacation. Is it bad to have a job that I like.

Q. have Never seen a sequel so fast.

A. Effectively. Beyond the wheel two or three movies a shot, as the Lord of The Rings, the distributor Sony told me that neither they have succeeded with Jumanji. In my favor is that the cast I was looking forward to and that I espabilé in writing. A lot of people wrote to me agradeciéndome the laughter of families, and I believe in that public that summer.

Q. how This film was born because you are also a father?

A. will help You. My daughters act in the film is because I have a really good time with ellas and that I found it a wonderful memory for when I don’t.

Q. do You feel loved?

A. sometimes I wonder if I’m not anger not to be nominated for any awards, and I answer: “do you think that I am so selfish?”. The best prize in the world are the spectators.

Q. How is achieved that connection?

A. Attempt to do what I like, and they are films that say something. In any case, the Father there is more that one was a bet odd to mine for wanting to do a family movie. I know there will be people, even friends of mine, who tell me that they liked even if not your type of film. And among the public torrentiano there will be some who would not have liked nor was this comedy or the previous one that I made, bluntly. There are No secrets, or I do not know. I do what I know best. And it’s not even that guarantees you nothing. A friend told that it costs the same to make a good movie than a bad one. In effort, on budget…

Q. there is No magic formula…

A. The film is like the water of the river that you can never drink the same water two times. It is not the same to see a movie at four in the afternoon than in the night, only accompanied. When people messes with The rise of the clones, do you agree that it has been 40 years of The war of the galaxies? All we changed.