A spooky spectacle: After the Opening of the Krüner Weir, the river Isar disappears in some areas in the gravel. The death sentence for countless aquatic organisms.

Oberes Isartal – Open the locks on the Krüner military, is it for the fish downstream is critical. An eye-witness Sebastian experienced Frölich from the middle of the forest up-close, as the water living creatures die in the dried-up river Isar, mass. “Anyone who has experienced this, is actually shocked,” said the nature photographer. Brown trout, bullheads, Mullet, minnows and other water animals – all dead, painfully suffocated. “Unfortunately perish in order for the 41. Time since 1995 to a variety of fish,“ regrets Hans Schanderl. And the man from the circle angling club Garmisch-Partenkirchen knows exactly what he is talking about. Meticulously the Kocheler leads book. This Thursday, the approximately 20 volunteers with dip nets, waders, and electrical appliances for about 500 meters below the Wallgauer Isarstegs do their Best to try to save sacrificially, what is not yet stifled or crows and gulls dead picked has been. “In in between the pouring rain is no easy task,” says Schanderl this Sisyphus work.

A mass die

Partially be accumulated in the Dry the movement of the fish under irrigations, roots, and bushes up. “For many, the help came too late.” Schanderl speaks of “a few thousand” water creatures that have no Chance, the small specimens with included. A Mass Die-Off.

The Bad thing: This gruesome spectacle is repeated in regularity. Animal friend Frölich referred to as the “catastrophe” – for the full diversity of species.

The reason for this is a few River miles up – at the input-mentioned Weir in Krün. Above the plant, the river bed and the storage space had to be filled continuously with gravel. He sloshed already in the transfer channel in the direction of things – and Walchensee. Greater operational disturbances were to be expected. The power plant operator Uniper no other choice remained. The company has proceeded according to Schanderl “in the relatively small flood of about 25 cubic meters per second”, to open the Weir and the gravel flush. “It was absolutely necessary,” justifies Uniper-speaker Theodorus Reumschüssel this action. He reiterated that this process should go to him according to two to four times per year to take place, is everything else than happy. “Because in order for a loss in Production goes hand in hand.” With other words: In this Phase, no current can be produced. “Therefore, the Whole is not a cheap matter.”

death sentence

For many living beings, it is a deadly one. Because when the Weir is closed again and the agreed residual amount of water of 4800 litres per second is flowing again, the Isar on a kilometre length – a well-known phenomenon, since the person in the allegedly last wild river in Germany technically has intervened. In the gravel-filled river bed, the water disappears from range, and flows in the sequence of the Rocks. The death sentence for a lot of fish, which dangle suddenly in the Dry or in the best case, are trapped in small pools. Water on the mills of Hans Schanderl, the calls for years, not to say decades, a gravel catch above the Krüner Weir. As a result, the amount of Rock could be designed to “isarverträglich,” believes Schanderl. “The Weir would be opened only in the case of really big floods.”

Hope for conservation

The energy giant Uniper conversation is quite ready. “The idea we are fundamentally positive,” noted Reumschüssel. “A technically superior Option.” In the same breath, the company spokesman, clarifies: “The financing and management cannot be our subject.” A view knows the gravel catch-Initiator Schanderl enough. He knows that without the support of the state nature protection of the fish trap Isar remains. In this context, he has already received a damper from the district office. On his request he was informed in a Letter,
“the fact that the receipt of the Aqua communities tables of life for the conservation of nature is, of course, in no way, in principle, is subordinated! However, the aquatic areas of the Upper Isar are currently and in the foreseeable future relatively less threatened, so that the conservation of nature ,and the intra-professional conflict‘, appropriate priorities must be set.“

“Because it’s tearing me up,” says Schanderl. He hopes, nevertheless, to relent, in the case of the environmental authorities. The recent mass die could give, perhaps, an important impulse.