“do you Have any more questions?” This sentence comes at the end of each interview. How you respond to the most cunning and what you can do in any case.

recruiters in your career thousands of interviews. But, unfortunately, you find again and again that candidates always give the same memorized answers, or at the end of the Interviews, only a standard set of questions. But no one stands out today, more from the Abundance of applicants.

interview: Who asks no questions, has lost

Even worse, a job interview can run, if you Have any questions on the call “you anything else?” the any questions set . This is an absolute No-Go, such as Job Coach Jewel Bracy Demaio explains in an amount of Forbes magazine: “in order To show her that you are neither really sharp nor particularly interesting.”

also read: This is the worst mistake in the job interview – say, heads.

self-serving questions in the interview taboo

Also questions aimed at their own advantage, and taboo. How much vacation includes, for example, “days are there?” or “Will Overtime be paid?”. These questions are from the applicant’s point of view is quite understandable, but not come up when future employers no good to .

Also interesting: So you points in the interview at the greeting.

Why are interview questions so important?

But why ask in a job interview are so important? Recruiters have a clear answer: questions show that the candidates with the company and the position advertised in the run-up to it. By asking specific questions of the candidate will have the opportunity to expand your Knowledge even.Read here what experienced recruiters on the basis of their questions about you.

questions about the work culture or the place to convince

But what are the questions you can impress recruiters in the interview, really? “The best questions have something to do with the work culture , or the value of the body for the potential supervisor to” know Job Coach Demaio.

also, to make his personal value for the position clearly, as well as with questions to the competitors stand out from the crowd, as a consultant, Kelly Finn from the Recruiting Agency WinterWyman the Huffington-reveals-Post.

Both experts recommend during the interview to ask the following questions for example:

questions about the culture of work:

1. “What is the average length of employment of the people who work here?”

2. “What the most successful people in this business together?”

3. “What do you think the employees like most about this company?”

4. “What challenges do you see in the next 60 to 90 days to you?”

5. “What would your clients say about your company?”

6. “What do you personally like the most about working in this company?”

7. They ask questions to you about the company and have read.

8. “Where do you see the company in five years?”

questions to:

9. “What can I do to help you achieve your goals for your performance review?”

10. “What are some of the reasons were, why you other applicants rejected?”

11. “How I cut off so far, against other candidates?”

12. “You will see in my resume inconsistencies, to which could I give you even more to tell?”

Already during the interview ask questions

In the interview, however, count only ask that you provide at the end. the Show it during the interview, that the Job really interested. you Listen carefully and provide you with questions if you are curious. So you know if the Job really suits you.

More: Ten forbidden words when you speak about yourself.

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Andrea Stettner

Ten things you in the job interview immediately disqualify