mobility-Activists want to reduce the number of private cars in Berlin, a radical. The first reaction of the transport administration sounds not averse.

one marked elsewhere obtained (Park)room: Bicycle bracket in Santiago de Chile photo: C. Prößer

slowly, the mobility law and the red start-red-and-to act as a green transport policy: Here and there are protected bike lanes emerge, and more infrastructure is in the Pipeline, there is a lot of money for new, more climate-friendly vehicles in public TRANSPORT, even if it falls short sometimes with the award of the contract. The so-called Environmental Alliance – so all means of transport except the private Vehicle is located in a shallow climb.

urban mobility lobby is not enough. The main problem from their point of view: there is a lack of road space for all Users without four wheels and an internal combustion engine. For this reason, ADFC, Changing Cities, BUND, VCD and others on Wednesday were invited to the presentation of a Plan, with the “Berlin streets for all” to give. “We are the new car lobby,” said Peter Fuchs, which is also involved in climate protection initiative, PowerShift, of course, ironic. But it is not a question to ban cars completely from the road, the traffic had to be organized a lot more efficiently.

With seven demands to set the Alliance, the policy under pressure. At the top of the list, a significant decline in private Vehicle. “We have far too many cars in the city,” said Frank Masurat, the ADFC, “you are always more and always bigger.” Most transport scientists are advised to to reduce the place for these cars considerably. The expectation of the Activists is that this makes Car ownership so unattractive that more and more Hold the right to take away good-bye. Masurat: “We want the number of cars is halved every ten years.”

Absurd-could make at the Moment, neither the Senate nor the districts, exact data about how much road space the around standing cars are occupied, so the ADFC-man. “We expected the high – four and a half times the Tempelhofer feld.” Space to be free for bike infrastructure, benches to relax, Cafétische or playgrounds. In a Powerpoint presentation that looks quite good: today, endless Wonodds rows of sheet metal, tomorrow a lot of free space, the Green and the children on the impeller.

a more drastic Deconstruction of the Parking generates the opposite effect – more and more chaotic Parking search traffic is not more than today, if you believe in “streets of Berlin for all”. “There are already plenty of private Parking, and the Parking houses and underground garages in the city centre, are currently often half-empty,” said Tim Lehmann from the Institute for urban mobility. Also with Parking space management to get a handle on it.

“you like Berlin everywhere on the roadside Parking is rather unusual for a large city,” says Lehmann. “We want normality, such as in Frankfurt and Munich.” Among the other demands of the stop of through traffic in Neighbourhoods, as it is around Wrangel and mountain man street already is planned, the changeover of the control speed to the speed limit is 30, the reference of internal combustion engines from the inner city by 2030, and the Development of sharing models.

“car-sharing must be in the future, controlled by concessions,” says Ragnhild Sørensen, a spokesperson of Changing Cities. “The principle can no longer be the pure profit orientation of the market is not working alone here.” Because the edge of the city would have to be operated were the same as the already well-stocked city centre.

A Problem that the Activist are able to see, is that the country is, in many cases, you are not responsible. The concern about pace of 30 as a rule speed, but also the reduction of Parking spaces. The elimination of street Parking currently compliant only as a concrete transformation of the area to bike lanes with the road traffic regulations (StVO), as the ADFC spokesman Nikolas Linck to taz. Just on side roads but this is not always useful. Berlin was designed to work with the Federal Council initiatives on a Change in the legal framework.

In the traffic management had on Wednesday a remarkably open ear for the demands: “Interesting ideas and important ideas from the civil society for a modern Berlin!”, tweeted Senator Regine Günther (Green) “Let’s/let us talk about it remain.” Their spokesman, Jan Thomsen reiterated that the administration proposals “intensely” will: “It is a city that is planned and built, not for the car traffic.”

Thomsen pointed out that the road space will be divided now, for example, by “Protected Bike Lanes” or the planned conversion of Car-Parking for E-scooters or bicycles. In the case of the car Park management to strive first to expand to 75 percent of the inner city. In the coalition agreement-held goal – 100 per cent until 2021 – will be missed, of course.