in Front of the fourth global FFF-strike students, Activists and scientists are meeting on the first climate conference in Berlin.
Fridays for the Future, makes it clear: If the earth is crying, have the future generations to pay the price photo: Reuters
BERLIN taz | the Director of The Museum of natural history, Gregor Hagedorn, the Fridays for Future Generation is incredibly grateful. Because the Initiator of Scientists for the Future know how it is to the planet order: The basic knowledge of man-made climate change, had scientists been 31 years ago, says Hagedorn. However, it is only Fridays for Future (FFF) have pushed the climate development in every corner of the society.
“the people of the ‘Flat Earth Society’ to make Youtube Videos want to prove that the earth is flat,” says Hagedorn on Wednesday in the Zeiss-Großplanetarium in Prenzlauer Berg. Education Senator Sandra Scheeres (SPD) was invited to the first future climate conference in Berlin with students, teachers, Activists, and climate researchers. On the basis of this example, Hagedorn wants to talk with those present about people with the man made global warming denying. And this is the most important Argument: There are no serious scientists who deny climate change.
In the workshop, the students discuss works, such as global climate change policy, talk about sustainability in the curriculum and learn how to make climate-friendly food. In the discussion, Felix Stephano joke, Chairman of the student Council, Lena Walzebuck from Kant make it clear to high school, and Elias Winxbet Saad of FFF, that global warming is already clearly noticeable. “If we build now with our planet to shit, have to pay for our children and grandchildren,” said Stephano joke.
“I need to put the issue in the context of education policy,” says Scheeres on the question of how they behave on the topic of climate change in the policy. You’ll also Worries about the future, but had to maintain neutrality when it comes to the question of compulsory education, and FFF. On the other hand, they encourage students to engage more audible for more climate protection. For hawthorn there is a need for the shift in Transportation, Agriculture, consumer turnaround, financial turnaround, and the turnaround in energy policy. “The Problem can not be solved only pupils, students or citizens when shopping.”
Because in this year one weather record after the other was broken, Cornelia Auer from the Institute for climate research in Potsdam’t sleep at night. “When people ask why I am against the climate change, I answer a question with a question: How can you not engage you about it?” so Auer on Wednesday. Climate change should be addressed with measures that can solve the Problem actually. Currently, would rise, in spite of many words of the global CO2 emissions more and more.
And not only that the 2020 scheduled for the Paris climate targets, as it look just, to 50 percent would be missed, so Hagedorn. This is due to the fact that, for example, people in India want to have after six in the evening light to read. “All these factors will ensure that the global CO2 emissions back.” Special belly Hagedorn and Scientists for the Future, Kipp would cause pain-points, such as the forest fires in the Amazon and the Dying of coral reefs.
“The climate is more impossible than our high school graduation” or “More trees, less assholes” are sayings that teenagers and children to keep for more than a year, every Friday in the height. But as long as people in Germany continue to live as if you had three planets, you want FFF to make more. 29. November want to go in the fourth global climate strike again hundreds of thousands of people on the street.