for decades, it has taken until a government dares to count the homeless in Berlin. Better still, you to it seems to their citizens:the inside.

A, one: homeless man in a Winter in Berlin photo: dpa

For decades, scientists:inside and charities are calling for accurate Figures on the homeless of this city. Instead, there are estimates, guesses. For example, the advancing lead end of a shortage of housing, a social division that would still have to pay more people with a life on the road. Now conjecture but it is easier to accept than facts. Berlin’s first homeless count in January is therefore of great importance.

what’s taken it so long to bring this count on the way, touched at the core of Sekabet two issues. The first, it is probably the most important: we Want to look completely aware of where most of the reflex lower city slickers:the inside of the eyelids? The question seems to have been long answered no.

The red-red-green coalition had written the project for the homeless count in the coalition agreement and with Elke Breitenbach a left-wing Senator used, the one that you hear again and again from homeless people, the Look is a concern. And the buttons, therefore, the second question pre: How to do that at all, in a huge city of millions, are to include those that have long since fallen from all of the systems of state registration out?

The answer is found in the social security administration that includes, that the city’s first homeless count is not a pure statistics project, at the end of which reliable Figures are available. But also a night in Berlin:meet inside the homeless of their own living environment. For the question of whether Berlin accepts the social divide, it may be even more crucial. thanks

this is especially the Parisian model, but also the Verve of an authority, to go this way. For: Chapeau!