More than a statistic: In January, Berlin is for the first time, the people living on the street. Volunteers are still urgently sought.

Klaus-Peter light (above) and his Team in Berlin organized the first homeless census photo: Lena Böhm

The one thousand mark you want to crack this week: A small Team working in the Senate Department for social Affairs since 1. September, Berlin’s first homeless count and prepare for at least 2,000 Volunteers to recruit. It sits under the umbrella of the administration in previously unused offices that look more like a Start-up-floor than to the authority. White brickwork, plenty of light, the walls pinned with colorful Timelines and small-scale city plans,, on a flip chart the Numbers: at the beginning of the week there are 847 Volunteers who have signed up via the online portal. It is a project that aims to change the city.

at the Latest since the 1980s, travel associations and Expert:challenge well inside, to capture the homeless of the city. “Instead, we work to today with ridiculous estimates of between 2,000 and 20,000 Affected,” says Susanne Gerull, poverty researcher at the Alice-Salomon University of applied Sciences and one of the Initiator of the project.

The number of people without housing in the years of the turbo market rent will be greatly increased, but Numbers of homeless facilities and shelters provide the only clues. For various reasons, a part of the apartment lives free in the most bitter Winter on the road. There are only guesses, and single observations, how many are there, how many of them EU citizens:women, women or families and whether you are displaced by construction activities or displacement in the outer districts.

“This is a pilot project, unique in Germany,” says project Manager Klaus-Peter light. Exemplary projects, especially major international cities, all in New York and since two years also in Paris. 1.700 Paris:were there in the last “Nuit de la Solidarité” volunteer on-the-go, in order to capture the homeless of the city. The next census will virtually coincide with the Berlin.

the Berlin-based project “night of solidarity” is, makes it clear that Paris is in many ways a role model. But there is a difference, the “we don’t have all the expected”, says project Manager light: “Berlin is nearly nine times as large as Paris.” Alone in the center ring is the size of the French capital. Therefore, you will need at least 2,000 Volunteers to the census carried out in the whole city, and not, as in New York, only at Hot Spots. The 3,000 would be fine, of 5,000 a dream, says light. Since the end of October, the Website is unlocked for registration.

a Minimum of 500 Teams to the city in the night of the 29th. January run. In collaboration with district politicians:indoor and street workers:the inside, who know their neighborhoods Tempobet best, be planned the tours. Each Team should consist of at least one professional of the homeless work, a student and a layman.

With questionnaires in eight languages, you will not only count, but also ask a few questions: gender, age, language, duration of homelessness, family. All you will not be able to reach in the counting. “Who does not want to be found, not be found,” says light. Rules of behavior for the Teams: do Not disturb, not arouse, no risk.

Klaus-Peter light, project Manager

“of 3,000 Volunteers would be great, 5.000 a dream”

Klaus rope winder has lived for many years on the road, today he is in the homeless initiatives active and gives tours of the city to the stations of his time on the road. “The woman Breitenbach [social Senator Elke Breitenbach, Left, ed.] doing all right,“ he says to the planned census. Especially the fact that it should be Voluntary, people from the population, which in the night of the 29. January after the homeless look out for and with you in conversation, enthusiastic rope winder. “Because the issue goes to the people once again really through the head.”

even now, the help facilities to inform the homeless about the count. He had heard of concerns, so the rope winder. “According to the Motto: the know my place to sleep. And that is the Only thing you have as a homeless person.“ But there is the possibility, in the night of the census in a welfare institution to stop in order to be recognised, and the place to sleep not to disclose.

In the night of the census are also to be recognized that in homeless facilities to sleep. In connection with a clearance statistics, the first reliable Figures on Berlin’s housing and homeless and insights, the result is about who is where, and in the city. The count should only be the first of many, for more accuracy, alternately, in the Winter and the summer. “Berlin will expand on the basis of the Figures for his support and guidance, and specialize”, promises to be the social Senator. But that is only the one.

“This action is at the core of a civil society,” says Klaus-Peter light. Starting in 2015, he coordinated the work of volunteers, to collapse, as the then responsible authority in the face of high numbers of Refugees are threatened. “Because I know what civic Engagement is possible and how much the people changed.” The night of solidarity, even to the homeless people of your own neighbourhood to get to know, maybe a starting point for more Engagement. “In any case, the decision to no longer look the other way”, says Klaus-Peter light.

In France, they had to close the Portal for the volunteer search for two weeks, because so many Parisians:girls want to be. In Berlin, more than 1,000 Volunteers for the first “night of solidarity are currently missing”.

Volunteers can sign up at .