there are Around 100,000 people celebrate the day of the fall of the Berlin wall with a big Party in front of the Brandenburg gate. The concept of security raises a number of questions.

With a Bang, and Beethoven is the anniversary week, tried to the fall of the Berlin wall to the end of photo: picture alliance/Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa

At the end of the week to 30 years fall of the wall all together, then found again on this one, the place – or, better said, the according to the organizers, more than 100,000 visitors to the at least with the find Together on Saturday evening in front of the Brandenburg gate.

As a self-runner, the Central act of this emphasizes the locally organized festival week was apparently not: at times, the Party threatened to tip over, because the Security at the entrances to the street of the 17. June no longer came up with the bag checks. Accordingly, there had been a “crazy crowd” in front of these global trade bottlenecks, reports of several visitors to the taz. The security service had definitely been overwhelmed, the Situation had temporarily can Deneme bonusu easily spiral out of control.

The police looks on Sunday, otherwise, she speaks of a “completely peaceful” history. Although you have the additions to the party mile in front of the stage due to the huge visitor demand, “temporarily” lock the is but large Betkanyon events are not Unusual. A total of 2,100 civil servants had on Saturday evening in use. The inlet controls, however, lay in the hands of a security service.

According to eyewitnesses, the blocked entrances were just problematic. A visitor to the street of the 17 reported. June was more or less “empty”, while the mood in front of the entrances mutated further. Then all of a sudden be pushed within minutes of the square in front of the stage. The internal administration is responsible for the safety concept, could not be reached on Sunday.

Who has made it to the stage, got in the early evening a two-hour Show, fireworks finale provided, among other things, the state band played under the baton of Daniel Barenboim Beethoven’s “fate Symphony”.

Federal President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier (SPD) warned, however, in a speech before the new walls in the society, which could only tackle: In reference to the recent electoral successes of right-wing parties like the AfD, he said, it’s walls out of frustration, walls of anger and hatred, walls of silence and alienation” caused to be “. “Walls that are invisible, but still columns. Walls, the cohesion in the way.“

According to the event Agency, visit Berlin, a Million visitors came during the seven-day week in total, to the various readings, concerts and Performances to come, spread over seven for the peaceful Revolution in Central places throughout the city – including, of course, the Alexanderplatz, but also the Gethsemane Church in Prenzlauer Berg and the Stasi records authority in the middle.