After a year’s break, there is in Berlin a Silvio-Meier-Demo. You must remain against the right to act, says Initiator Hauke Stiewe.

Silvio-Meier-Demo in 2017 photo: Christian Mang/imago

taz: Hauke Stiewe, for the first time since the murder of anti-fascist Silvio Meier 1992 in the last year, no memorial demonstration. For this year they have logged in again. Why now go on the road?

Hauke Stiewe: Always if I had time, I went to this Demonstration, for me, this is Tradition. Last year I wanted to go there – and then she just fell. I thought, this can’t be. Over 17 corners, I found out that nobody had been found who wanted to sign up for the Demo. So I thought, I can do it. Before Christmas I logged into the Demo for this year.

What connects you with Silvio Meier?

I lived at the beginning of the 1990s, in an occupied house in the Samaritan road. That was peacig, even if it was in the area often friction between different life-cultures, the Left and Right. Silvio, I knew by sight. I remember how it was called on the day of a sudden: fascist alert! I’m out of the metro station, and have since seen the blood on the floor. The police then took a sound truck through the Nordkiez to say that it was just a dispute between young people and not a political fact. But this was not so. For me, it was all very dramatic. This fact has shaped me.

48, is the operator of the Bar, love Lite. In the case of the house of representatives election in 2006, he ran as a direct candidate for the mountain party.

Instead of the usual “Antifa means attack” is the demo slogan “Antifa is love”. What’s that supposed to mean, exactly?

In the General perception of the word Antifa has changed a bit. For many, the term is now coming to rejection, this was previously considered to be honorable work, and it is also still. For example, Apabiz Betist (antifascist press and education center, d. Red power.) probably a better job than the protection of the Constitution. Nevertheless, many Antifa connect deeds especially with Autonomous violence. Since I want to keep it up against: We don’t want to drag through the streets to break stuff up. Attack is not my Job, but the security authorities should take care of – even if I wonder why the hold back on.

What is Antifa for you?

For me, means Fascism for democracy. The fascists want to change the state so that people are suppressed and the democracy abolished. The goal of the Demo is to remind you of the 198 dead by extreme-right violence since 1990, and to address the 143 incidents of right-wing violence in the past year alone, in Friedrichshain. It is, therefore, not only to Silvio Meier. Whose relatives do not want at all that he is made a Martyr and the Demo is named after him.

see the posters as your brand character is a Bunny. The Demo is supposed to be more cuddly than the black Block address?

I had to go to the login conversation to the police. The also wanted to know who I’m inviting since. The answer is clear: All the people who are against murder and manslaughter. I wish the normal population, people who stand against the right-wing violence. Hopefully many will come and also bring fun. Even if this sounds weird, I’m not a sad event Bonus veren bahis siteleri wants. In spite of the reality, we must remain cheerful and we must remain capable of action.

Demonstration Antifa is love (Silvio-Meier-Demo): On Saturday, 23. November, at 16 o’clock. It starts at the metro station samariter straße (on the corner of Frankfurter Allee/Silvio-Meier-Strasse).