When employees are sick, pays the employer continue your salary. However, as long as the continued payment of wages in case of illness take? And what happens after that?

whether it’s the flu, a broken leg or a severe, protracted illness: Sick everyone can be. Professionals in a case by the doctor on the sick list and will then receive their regular salary. However, the continued payment of wages in case of illness, is limited in time.

the continued payment of wages in case of illness – what does that even mean?

working for a have a statutory entitlement to continued payment of wages in the event of illness. This means that you can get for the days that you are sick, your regular salary (and possibly surcharges for Sundays, holidays or night shifts must also be taken into account). This is regulated by the continuation of remuneration act (EntgFG) by law. Here, there are, however, some of the Details.

the continued payment of wages in case of illness – as long as the employer pays?

employers are obliged to pay their sick workers for up to six weeks or 42 calendar days their full wage. This duration is typically the case for any new disease new, regardless of whether you have worked with.

Break a leg, for which they are ill written, and ill then, on her first working day with flu, what the doctor writes again ill, you have another six weeks of continued payment of wages.

Differently it looks, if you fall ill during your Sick leave to another disease. Then the continued payment of wages is not extended.

you. due to the same illness within a period of six months unable to work , they have, unfortunately, is no longer entitled to continued payment of wages in case of illness – you may need to apply for after the six weeks of sick pay from the health insurance Fund A minimum of six months, however, between the two sick leave for the same illness, the employer pays again for up to six weeks full pay.

With a temporary contract ends the continued payment of wages with the end of the employment relationship. the Announces of the employer , however, his employees because of his inability to work or terminates the employee for reasons beyond the control of the employer, the continued payment of wages continues to be, even if the employment relationship ends before.

when can I claim the continued payment of wages in case of illness?

So that sick employees get the salary from your employer, you must notify the employee in his employer’s sick. At the latest after the third day of sickness (in the case of some employers, earlier), you must submit to the company a Sick leave, the certificate of incapacity for Work (AU), from the doctor. The reason for the inability to work, an employee does not need to know, whether it is physical or mental illness.

The six-week the deadline for wage payment begins on the day after the beginning of the incapacity for work , even if these starts during work hours. The employee before start of work sick, with counts to this day.

a treatment and rehabilitation employees are entitled to continued payment of wages, as long as

the treatment and rehabilitation of medically necessary and a social insurance carrier has approved the treatment and rehabilitation.

Important for the continued payment of wages is generally that the employee is not the fault of the sick . This also applies to

abortions are not illegal sterilizations, which are illegal, as well as sports accidents.

increase auto accidents with injury-prone sports, such as mountain, Boxing or skiing in the rule as a no fault, as long as the necessary safety precautions are adhered to.

In collective agreements can also be further provisions made over and above the statutory entitlement.

also read: sick message: to log really sick.

when do I have to waive continued payment of wages in case of illness?

for instance, workers are only entitled to continued payment of wages if you were employed by at least four weeks for a continuous period in the company. Who has taken up a point and ill fails, but the rule of the health insurance Fund sick pay.

Who is to blame for his disease , forfeited his claim to the continued payment of wages. This is the case, if you are

car drunk driving and an accident may have caused to come in the case of a self-provoked brawl damage or a dangerous job to pursue.

be entitled to continued payment of wages and also in a mini-job?

The entitlement to the continued payment of wages in case of illness, irrespective of whether the employment relationship is subject to social insurance contributions or not. Who carries on a mini-job or minor employment , and ill will, also receives his full salary when he is on sick leave.

How to do it after the continued payment of wages and more?

written an employee for more than six weeks sick leave covered by health insurance, the financial support of the employee. You will pay sickness , however, this is lower than the previous salary. Everything on the subject of sickness you will learn here.

Also interesting: Sick leave: Three mistakes that are, unfortunately, still.

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Andrea Stettner

Surprising: These five professions make you sick