After setup of automatic vehicle checks is the number of speeding tickets, to emergency vehicles has increased significantly.

flashing Blue lights and sirens is not an insurance against speeding tickets.

It has the country’s firefighters had to acknowledge, after that automatic vehicle checks – the so-called stærekasser – were erected in several places in the country last year.

Thus, the police have printed 260 speeding tickets, to the fire department from 1. January 15. november of this year.

The typing of the DR on the basis of figures from the Danish emergency response.

This is a significant increase compared to the past, where the country’s firefighters had about 30 speeding tickets per year – mainly from fotovogne.

Stærekasserne does not take into account whether a vehicle is running during the deployment.

If there are run during deployment, and printed a fine, must brandvæsenerne to spend time to prove, that the fine is justified, says head of secretariat at the Danish emergency response Bjarne Nigaard to Ritzau.

– We find that stærekasserne, which is not have a man sitting, who can see what the blitzer, creates a lot of perverse fines and then hassle for us in preparedness.

– We must spend time on proving that there actually was a legitimate emergency health service transport.

– If we don’t, because perhaps there is doubt about the date or the fine being sent late, Kalebet then we risk, in fact, that the driver, who sat behind the steering wheel, lose his licence and thus loses his job, he says to Ritzau.

Stærekasserne is set up 11 different places in the country as a trial, but there is a political majority for that they need to be put up in several roads.

Before this happens, there must be a way to protect the employees that run under the ground, believes the Danish emergency response.

Also, ambulances will be blitzet of stærekasserne. It wrote DR already in march of this year, after which the road directorate and the national Police insured that there would be a solution to the problem.

But since then nothing has happened.

To the DR informs the Danish road directorate, who owns stærekasserne, that since april has held one meeting with the national Police on the matter. The Danish road directorate is awaiting a reply on a solution from the Police.

the national Police shall disclose in a written response to the DR, that the police are in the process of finding a solution, which, it is hoped, will be ready the next year.
