A gigantic wind farm off the Ronne will, in the long term could provide millions of households with green power.

Denmark’s largest wind farm may be located in the Baltic sea off the coasts of Bornholm.

It is the energy company Ørsted, who according to Danish daily Politiken proposes to erect a giant wind farm out of Rønne.

the wind Turbines must initially be able to provide an output of 1000 megawatts – also called a gigawatt.

In the longer term, the Danish wind farm could increase production by up to three to five gigawatts – enough power for up to five million households.

The recently adopted wind farm, Thor, who must remain out of the west coast of jutland, will to the the comparison have a power capacity of 800 megawatts.

At the Ørsted considers havvindmøllechef Martin Neubert, that the project will be more attractive than to build an artificial energy island in the North sea, such as the government and its støttepapirer have written in the so-called forståelsespapir.

– Here you do not need to build and drain as in the North sea. So, Ultrabet one can use the infrastructure already in place, he says to Politiken.

Professor of energy economy Brian Vad Mathiesen, Aalborg University, calls it a “very sensible project.”

– The unique feature is that we do not go and establish an artificial island. We can use one of the natural places to establish the wind farm.

– Therefore, I think that it is far more feasible than the project with a large energy island in the North sea, ” says Brian Vad Mathiesen to Ritzau.

Together with havvindmøllerne, there must be a elektrolysefabrik, which can use excess power to make green fuel for ships, planes and trucks.

– In my eyes is the potential for the electrolysis is so huge that you almost can’t comprehend it, ” says Brian Vad Mathiesen.

Bornholm’s mayor, Winni the other hotels in paris (P), is highly enthusiastic about the proposal.

on the whole will such a construction contagion of jobs and activity on the whole island.

– in Addition, positions such an offshore wind farm the island of Bornholm as an energy island in the middle of the Baltic sea. It is a big chance for us, she says to Politiken.

Climate – and energy minister Dan Jørgensen (S) calling the proposal “very exciting”.

– It is good to see that private actors are at the forefront of the green frontier, he writes in a comment to Politiken.
