15. June may take place in Bavaria cultural events. The conditions, however, mountains and pitfalls. Wood kirchens house of culture Boss gives an insight into.

wooden churches – The message from Tuesday sounds like a cathartic for the culture scene: From 15. June, in accordance with the Corona-forced break in Bavaria, concerts, theatre, cabaret & co. go on the stage – with a maximum of 50 visitors, minimum distance, mouth protection and strict hygiene requirements. For the practice, a lot is going on but to clarify for stage and artists. “The government’s approach I don’t know: What I must behind the stage?”, Ingrid Huber, the Head of the wooden Kirchner cultural center of culture in the Oberbräu says. “And only then can I say: What are you playing at all?”

Since the beginning of March, the culture was closed house. A difficult time, as well as for the second major culture center in the district, the Waitzinger Keller Miesbach. The message that it was ready to go again soon, and in two and a half weeks, has caught Huber relatively cold. “If it had been up to me personally, would have been the season to summer to end, and we would have started in autumn in peace again.” In the summer, the program has in the house anyway break. Of course, you don’t want to close the door on the unexpected Opening right now. For today, Thursday, the Executive Director of the culture house GmbH, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the market community has convened at short notice for a team meeting. You don’t go in there unprepared, but the current conditions need to be ploughed through. “We will check, check, check, the Team discuss what is possible, and then with the community to clarify.”

This starts with the question of how places are offered. Individually? In Couple Combination? And what if a family comes to third? “You have to create an almost authoritarian System,” says Huber. “If we yield to the desires of each individual, we will be insane.” It locks expected to be needed in order to draw visitors, perhaps even intake groups. Hygiene issues are also still open – for example, whether in the toilets after each guest disinfected must be. With every additional request to the operation, the question is, whether costs and Benefits are still in the relationship. “The louder the message that we are still far away from what can take place on the stage.”

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Also, there are challenges. Ensembles around had months with no Chance to rehearse together. Even where this is irrelevant, face other problems: Huber had prepared a piece of theater done, as Corona got in the way. “We need one to two samples, then sits again. But there are twelve players, including a child. Can keep on the stage, not 1.50 meters distance. The staging I can enter in the ton.“

Huber is also the question of whether the audience comes and has an understanding, if not, just due to the service, in Frankfurt, where the participants in a singing manner infected. “This is a matter of conscience. And since I haven’t even asked the question of financing.“ Because one thing is clear: With less seats, the revenue from the ticket sales to fall. The additional expense but will cost more. And whether the artist had as a freelancer now often for months with no income, the fees, is the question. Similarly, the willingness of the public to promote culture – after all, she is just like the Sport for the local authorities is always a loss-making business.

Whether or not the audience can actually look forward, operating from mid-June on a regular culture, seems to be uncertain. Huber wants to have the end of the week clarity. And makes still hope: “at Least a small program, we’ll get there.”

Katrin Hager