routers are the gateway to the Internet – but also a potential entry point for attacks. The safety of the equipment is neglected by many manufacturers, sometimes at an alarming rate.

Berlin (dpa/tmn) – The investigation of a Fraunhofer Institute has found in the Internet routers for private users to serious security flaws. The gaps ranged from missing security updates, and easy-to-decrypt passwords to the long-known vulnerabilities which have long since have been resolved.

Not a single Router among the 127 studied devices was without error, so the conclusion of the investigation of the Fraunhofer Institute for communication, information processing and ergonomics (FKIE). Some were even affected by hundreds of long-known vulnerabilities. In the last twelve months, 46 Router does not have, therefore, not a single security update, even 2000 days.

predominantly (90 percent) is the free operating system Linux on the routers used, and often in very old versions. While Linux is known for security holes were quickly closed, stress the researchers. The manufacturer would not only install quickly the latest Software – what to be done, but in General.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:200626-99-576106/2

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