The news came as a quasi-officially, directly from the chief of the Military counter-intelligence service. MAD-President Christof Gramm sees a “new Dimension” of right-wing extremism in the Bundeswehr. A focus of the MAD in the fight against extremism, the special forces command (KSK) is; about 20 people were here in focus, said grams. The suspected cases in the armed forces in total – also referred to as a rich citizens – have increased to more than 600, reported in grams, and a public hearing of the parliamentary control panel (PKG) for the intelligence services.

The Alarm message fits, so to speak, perfectly with the political calendar. Because this week, the defense wants to give the Minister Annegret Kramp-karrenbauer (CDU) announced she wants against right-wing machinations in the elite unit KSK company. A working group has developed proposals.

The “self-life of the SFC stop”

this much is certain: Kramp-Karrenbauer will slide tackle in. Today, Monday, she is once again on the KSK site in Calw – back without the participation of the Public. What are the appointed working group to combat right-wing extremist tendencies in the SFC proposes, will present the Minister on Tuesday in the so-called coalition Breakfast. Wednesday AKK informed the defence Committee.

is expected to be circles In the Ministry, that the Minister sets a stop to exit “the life of the KSK”. There is talk also of “organized autonomy” of the special unit. The recruitment for the KSK, the command runs so far is virtually self-directed, to be made, so the expectation of insiders, to the other feet. There had not been looked at in the past, “perhaps only on professional criteria”. The courses for the Inner guidance, the SFC would not have understood the modernization that had taken place in other Parts of the Bundeswehr. Here, too, changes are expected.

“The Minister is very determined,” – said in management circles of your house.

Michael Kappeler/dpa defence Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (here at the big public vow of the Bundeswehr soldiers in front of the Reichstag building) has promised when it took office, to take the fight against right-wing extremism very seriously.

“slavish obedience” and “hearing loss”

a few weeks Ago, only a Warning letter from a KSK had officer the question with the greatest urgency in the Public: Limited to right-wing extremism in the Bundeswehr to individual cases, or is there a fundamental Problem? Since then, the characters have been compacted more, it’s about the width of maladministration. The captain had pointed out, in a twelve-sided Write on right-wing tendencies in the elite unit and a climate, complained of the these tendencies even stronger. The would be covered up, so the officer, often in a systematic way. Of “cadaver obedience,” and acquired “hearing loss” was the speech.

The letter writer had reported, for example, by an instructor, the “Y-88” is used as the identification code – the cipher of the Hitler greeting. Many would have understood this allusion, although, out of fear of reprisals, but kept silent. The instructor was apparently close to the extreme right-wing Identitarian movement, however, was dismissed in the previous year.

a few days Ago, an Islamist, flew up also, heard of the elite squad of.

AKK: “Whoever is silent, is part of the problem”

Kramp-Karrenbauer had last issued in an Interview with FOCUS Online, the Watchword is: “right-wing extremists have no place in the Bundeswehr, nothing.” You want to enforce a new culture in dealing with constitutional enemies, the scandals openly. “Who shall designate the grievances, helps to eliminate them. Who is silent, is part of the problem and is complicit,“ said the Minister. You don’t want to fight just right extremist views, but also structures eliminate the promote in the special unit corps of misunderstood camaraderie. The captain, who had pointed out the abuses, was directly subordinate to the chief of staff of the SFC, in order to Reform the training and the fight against undesirable developments to participate.

a few days Ago, until more Details of the case in may in Saxony in the case of a police RAID arrested are Sergeant of the KSK known to staff. The Saxon Ministry of justice reported that on the private property of the 45-Year-old, among other things, two kilograms of a professional explosives were found, several Thousand rifle and pistol ammunition, a crossbow, a fog grenade, as well as firearms and parts of firearms, including a silencer.

for a lump-sum complaints about the German armed forces

Brigadier General Markus Kreitmayr, since two years at the helm of the SFC, had not granted that the extreme right-wing activities in the special unit only to individual cases. The operations of the KSK will be scheduled in strict military secrecy – also this might encourage foreclosure trends. The SFC is highly specialized, for example, takes up special duties in the fight against terrorism true or makes the victims of the liberation of the Hostage.

Kramp-Karrenbauer had last called to take the problems in the special unit very seriously, but at the same time before the packages complain about “the German army” or “the SFC” warned. Your point of view: right-wing extremists, the companionship betrayed, “the sense is, create a sense for the soldiering in a democracy”. Just because the overwhelming majority of the soldiers that had to do with an extremist view of the world, nothing, whether it is essential to remove extremists “consistently”””.

rally: Attila Hildmann harassed journalists and ignored minimum distance FOCUS Online/Wochit On rally: Attila Hildmann harassed journalists and ignored, a minimum of