The united States called Monday on China to “immediately stop” to sterilize by force the muslim uighurs, “in the course of their campaign of suppression”, after the publication of a report accusing Beijing of waging such a policy of radical birth control. “The world has had access today to information that is troubling, according to which the chinese communist Party has resorted to forced sterilizations, abortions and forced a policy of birth control, law enforcement against Uighurs and other minorities in Xinjiang”, in the north-west of China, said the head of american diplomacy Mike Pompeo in a press release.

also Read Guy Sorman – the silence of The Chinese

“utter Disregard for the sanctity of human life and human dignity”

“We call on the chinese communist Party to immediately stop these practices as horrific and we ask all countries to join the United States to ask that it be put an end to these abuses, dehumanizing”, he added.

Read also How my mother was interned in a “re-education camp” in China

According to the secretary of State, who was already engaged in a confrontation on all fronts with Beijing, the “revelations, shocking the German researcher Adrian Zenz are sadly consistent with the attitude of the CCP for decades, which demonstrates a complete disregard for the sanctity of human life and human dignity”. Washington, other western capitals, as well as organisations for the defence of human rights accused China of having interned in the region of at least one million muslims, in what they called camps of political rehabilitation. Beijing denies this figure and speaks about vocational training centres.

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How China tackles the history Guy Sorman – the farewell to The gendarme american