In the night from Friday to Saturday was in angel brechting a thief on the road, looking in particular for beer. He acted like a Ghost and escaped after a scramble.

angel brechting – It was no Ghost, but a real man who will drive in the night from Friday to Saturday in the Anglo brechting (municipality of Poing) on the loose. And yet he has to behave like a Ghost in the darkness, and it is the ultimate escape actually – although he could be one of the residents already.

Poing: thief in the Garage locked up

The previously unknown man tried according to the police, stealing in the high street in angel brechting from several garages things. In particular, full of beer bottles. It was shortly before 1 p.m., when he was surprised by an owner. He was just about to close the Garage. “In order to remain undetected, hidden the perpetrator is probably behind a car and was imprisoned first by Mistake,” reads the police report from Saturday.

escape in the last second

After for him, the air was clean again, the thief again to work, opened the Garage from them, and stowed a variety of beer bottles in a suitcase. Besides, he wanted to probably motorcycle gloves, and a navigation device to call, later according to the Tracking turned out.

police Poing with a plurality of strips in use

The “Ghost” but it was his business so loudly, that the owner was once again called on the Plan. “When he wanted to find the cause of the jingling noise, fled the offender out of the Garage,” reported the police. The owner have him can hold, it is still short, after a scramble but the Unknown had escaped. On the run, he lost his mobile phone, which was seized by the police. The subsequent investigation, the several strips and a police dog involved, ran after the thief unsuccessfully.

police Poing is asking for information

Now the police is asking for help and information from the public that lead to the perpetrators. According to testimony, it is a East/South East Europeans, about 20 years old, about 180 centimeters tall, with short dark brown hair and slender stature. Who can give relevant information, logs on to the police in Poing, telephone (08121) 9917-0.

beer is completely legal and hygienically clean’s in the beer garden, for example, in the “Oldies”, where a self-built “Hygiene Center” is.