It is a mixture of sadness and bitterness in many of the employees prevails. Only a few are there. The factory site is empty. Next Tuesday, the gates will close at HAP in Penzberg final. At the lake main street end of an Era, which began in 1966 with YOU.

Penzberg – “It is bitter,” says Bayram Yerli, who has been working for 29 years in the factory, only for YOU, then in the ACP and, most recently, HAP. In the past few months, it had become always empty. Since March, there have been almost every day for goodbyes. “There are sad moments.” As if torn from a piece of family history. It’s a similar feeling, his works Council colleague, Thomas, night man, working for over 30 years in the automotive suppliers. He had put so much heart into it. Some colleagues, he says, see you maybe never again. “It makes me sad.” Just the last days, says the night man, be hard.

HAP: On Tuesday, the final is 15 months after the announcement

On Tuesday, the final, nearly 15 months after the Hörmann-had announced the group to close the factory, with its over 700 employees, (630 Employees of the permanent staff and 90 contract workers). Currently, HAP has 246 employees. Of these, only around 100 are on-site, the Rest builds up vacation days or Overtime. Much to do there anyway, sometimes nothing at all. According to the “Hörmann” has been set a week ago, the production, the relocation being implemented in Slovakia. This week, the last deliveries had been made, it is called on demand. In the next few months, machinery and equipment would be dismantled and sold to cover “the cost for the Decommissioning of the company”.

forerunner on the site was: in 1966, starting with the bus and coach manufacturing

With the HAP is the end of an Era that began in the sixties with YOU. At the time, Penzberg, was in deep crisis. The mine, by far the largest employer, closed in September 1966. “Keep calm blood” appealed in 1965, mayor Anton Prandl of the population. At that time, the Bavarian economy tried to lure the Ministry and the city, to Penzberg. With Success. The biggest company there was. It said, in 1966 in Penzberg an omnibus production for 700 Employees to build up.

+ The first buses and coaches from the team in penzberg plant: Celebration in the year 1967.©Archive of the city of Penzberg

YOU received at the time of the government loans, the city provided cheap land available. Many of the team in penzberg miners could be retrained and found a new job. In 1976, the plant was one of 1100 Employees. The bus production delivery until the beginning of the eighties. Since then, the vehicle components were manufactured.

shock 15 years ago: YOU want the team in penzberg plant repel

A shock was when IT was decided 15 years ago, the factory into an independent GmbH to outsource. Protests could not prevent it. The legacy began in July 2005, the company ACP, the main customer remained. In spite of the difficult times of new Optimism prevailed. At the beginning of 2006, the Hörmann group acquired 50 percent of the shares, in August 2008, the other half. As of 2012, the factory was officially called “Hörmann Automotive Penzberg”, short HAP.

HAP-staff: Difficult job search in Corona-times

On Tuesday is now the last day. “This makes me very concerned,” says former mayor Hans Mummert, who has worked 27 years for YOU in Penzberg. The plant has historical importance for Penzberg, because that is where the miners found work. Of concern to him that the city will lose the harvest of the important jobs for the professionals, workers and Fishing. So, it looks Ralf Simon, briefly ONE -, plant Manager, and later the ACP-chief. He holds the closure as “completely unnecessary”. Hörmann didn’t had no interest in the work to continue.

How to have found many employees to a new work, do not know works Council Yerli. By March, it had been as good as all. But then, with the Corona-crisis, he had lost track of them. He knows of colleagues who had Commitments, but the work can’t compete, because the companies save. Was regulated according to Yerli, however, that the last severance payments, salaries and wages are paid. 18 employees in phased retirement will receive their money via a separate company. What remains on the last day? Yerlis answer: “The locker key to give.”

last meeting: “High Noon” on Tuesday is canceled

The HAP-works Council the last meeting on Tuesday, 30 has. June, is cancelled. The works Council Bayram Yerli announced on Friday. It was planned under the title “High Noon” on the factory Parking lot, to “this bitter hour is not so easy to pass”. Although there had been a hygiene concept, due to the increasing Corona case numbers in Germany, not does not want to take the risk, however, especially since you know how many people will come. said Yerli contrite audible.

see also: HAP-Venue: mother of the “Geiger Automotive” moves decision-making

Also interesting: the Easter lakes-rush: control trips with the boat

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