The USA after the death of George Floyd in turmoil. When Markus Lanz (ZDF) analyze America connoisseurs, the double crisis of the country.

The uprisings in the USA, after the murder of George Floyd are the subject of Markus Lanz US correspondents report in the ZDF Talk* the situation on the ground Over the division of the country and President Donald Trump*, of in order to win elections

want to March An incredible scene: A group of police officers by a road. Some of the roar of the at the Windows Watching, you should away from the window. And when the don’t obey, of course – and why? – shoot the police officers. On Innocent Bystanders. American Citizens. So happen these days during the unrest rocking the country. And fired by a Madman who has served as President and a liar, Hetzer and splitter without the same.

United States: riots and Chaos in order to win elections? Talk to Markus Lanz

By Markus Lanz were now able to give connoisseurs of the USA explanations of what is happening there, just after a racist white policeman free in front of an audience of a Weir, tied up lying on the floor, Black had murdered: George Floyd . Your the how staged feel, said because Sandra Navidi, a financial expert from New York. She is convinced that Donald Trump will try to increase the Chaos, so he can move in the autumn of the election, he could currently lose as a result of the Corona-crisis. The Republicans tried to make it difficult to Choose the one confirmed political scientist Christian Hacke. Navidi is for sure: “trump’s goal is the hostile Takeover of democracy”.

protests against racist police violence in the US: The Talk at the Markus Lanz show on ZDF

currently on the game, also believes Elmar Theveßen, Head of the ZDF Studios in Washington. He was switched from the Park to the White house, where again the protesters had gathered, and expected a renewed Intervention by the national guard. Theveßen reported that the main perpetrators have been given his service time, 18 complaints against themselves: “The repeat offenders”. Hoe explained that the racism , under the white police in the USA is almost “built-in” and had been non-existent. Even the Cop was there not a “friend and helper”, but the jets are afraid of everything from. New, however, is that a President have to be stronger than in other countries actually function as a role model, root for the racists now. Therefore, by the USA suffered a double crisis, because the crisis in leadership to get to it.

racism could be described as the birth defect of the American Nation, because, despite the abolition of slavery, the black population remained disadvantaged. Even a black President can’t really change anything. Markus Feldkirchen, earlier USA -a correspondent of the mirror, reminded that of the two million prisoners, the vast majority of Blacks are. The inequality of opportunity have increased, said Navidi, and hoe, pointed to the 20 million children living below the poverty line in one of the richest countries in the world.

Markus Lanzs (ZDF): Now it needs to Trump a strong counter-figure, not Joe Biden

The Situation would be a Chance for a strong Opposition, said hoe, and Johannes Hano, Head of the ZDF Studios in New York, and from there, connected, supported: You need now is a figure that could rally the people around.

That Joe Biden this character is not, in Lanz,” the guests agreed. But he could compete with a strong woman, to offer the Trump Paroli is capable of, said hoe and called Gretchen Whitmer, the Governor of Michigan. Otherwise, the political scientist, is afraid of America be to disassemble the…

In the library:Markus Lanz, ZDF, Tuesday, 2. June, 23.30 PM.

Of Daland Segler

* is part of the nationwide Ippen Digital network