The Netflix series “Curon” plays in Graun im Vinschgau in South Tyrol, and revolves around the famous Church tower in the lake. A 2 comes. Season of the Horror Hits?

10. June, the series Horror Mystery series “Curon” appeared on Netflix . She plays in the Graun in the Vinschgau in South Tyrol. The centre of the history of the famous bell tower in the Resia lake is.

Since the 10. June 2020, there will be some stuff for Mystery Fans: The Netflix series “Curon” revolves around the villages of Graun / curon Venosta and resia / Reschen lake in South Tyrol. The area is today mainly due to the Resia lake and the towering steeple is known. In the series, the picturesque Region is now the scene of terrible events.

“Curon” on Netflix: that’s Why it goes back in the series

Anna Raina (Valeria Bilello) returns after 17 years with your twins, Daria (Margherita Morchio) and Mauro (Federico) in your home Curon – the Italian name for the Graun in Vinschgau. There you pull out to Anna’s father, in a once-magnificent Hotel is now getting on in years and power outages plagued. Soon, Anna disappears without a trace and it is up to the twins to release the secrets of the municipality and of the mysterious bell tower in the lake .

The true story behind the bell tower in “Curon”

The famous bell tower in the Resia lake belongs to the Church of St. Catherine – the last Remnant of the original villages of resia / Reschen and Graun. Both were demolished in 1950, to a reservoir to create, in the North of Italy should provide a water power plant with electricity. In the course of which were about 150 families forced to move their villages elsewhere to rebuild. Only the bell tower from the 14th century. Century was allowed to stay because he is under monument protection.

Since then, some of the legends around the tower. For example, it is said, to ring the bells, under certain conditions, start – although these were removed before the flooding of the area. the In the series, on the other hand, the bell ringing for the Hearing terrible calamity . Most of these people are marked for death.

interesting : these are the best series in June 2020, Netflix, Prime Video, Disney+ & co.

“Curon”: Is it a 2. Season of the Netflix series give?

the end of the 1. Season of “Curon” offers the possibility of a sequel. Official plans, there is not but still. The Italian magazine writes, however, that numbers the first viewers of optimistic voices and the series of the subscribers will be well received. In Germany, the Mystery of the Show landed at least within a few days in the Top 10 of the Netflix Charts*.

If it is a 2. Season should be, however, it is very likely that viewers will have to longer than usual wait. Usually appear in new episodes of a series on an annual basis, however, due to the Corona pandemic could also delay the production.

also read : Netflix in June 2020: the new Film and series Highlights.

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