It took 24 episodes, but now, for the first time on Sunday evening, a wildcard participant has won “Who is stealing the show from me?” emerged. The theater actress Helena Sigal from Berlin coaxed the show from Joko Winterscheidt at the start of season five. The greatest success of a wildcard candidate so far was the finals, which happened for the first time in season two. Otherwise, the celebrities have always triumphed against Winterscheidt.

Sigal amused the audience right at the beginning of the show with an anecdote about the 44-year-old. Winterscheidt once chatted her up at the Berlin train station and asked for money. He had forgotten his wallet and was therefore unable to pay for his parking ticket. The 26-year-old initially thought it was a scammer disguised as Joko Winterscheidt, until realizing it was actually the moderator. Winterscheidt then wanted to pay back the borrowed money via PayPal.

The fact that she has now made it onto his show as a wildcard candidate made both of them even happier. The celebrity candidates in the current season are rapper Sido, actress Jasna Fritzi Bauer and musician Bill Kaulitz.

The Tokio Hotel singer was the first to drop out – his great fear, as the 33-year-old admitted at the beginning of the show. At the same time, Kaulitz asked for understanding if he could not answer all the questions. “I only went to eighth grade. And I’ve lived in America for 12 years. And I just flew in yesterday and I’m jet lagged,” he said. It was of no use to him.

After that, Jasna Fritzi Bauer had to say goodbye before Sido also lost out. In the final it was very close, but Helena Sigal was able to win with the question of the name of the first dog in space (correct answer: Laika). Next Sunday she will be able to present the 25th edition of the successful ProSieben format and has already announced: “It will be awesome.”