Friends despite the end of love: Stefanie Giesinger (27) and Marcus Butler (32) prove that this is not an impossibility. For a new episode of Giesinger’s podcast “G Spot”, the former couple sat down in front of the microphone together and openly examined their past relationship. The former “GNTM” winner and the British YouTuber talked, among other things, about the reason for the end of their six-year partnership.

“The separation was necessary because you never really had space or time to develop yourself. Since you won ‘Germany’s next Top Model’, your whole life has gone from zero to a hundred,” Marcus Butler looks back on the separation phase in the podcast episode. For him, it is nice to hear that Stefanie is now enjoying her time alone. Because back then, being alone scared her. “Through our separation, I started to find what really makes me happy. I started to do things just for myself,” the 27-year-old explains.

After they “accidentally” moved in together in Berlin due to the corona pandemic, everything became “too much” over time. “I was in a very bad state mentally,” says Stefanie Giesinger, while Butler explains that they had become like one person, “which was probably really not healthy,” and that they had also developed strange patterns as a couple.

“I was like a mini-you. I liked the fashion you liked, listened to the music you listened to, watched the films you watched… There was no me without you,” says Stefanie Giesinger in the podcast. The fact that they had started working together and implementing projects didn’t make things any better. “I would definitely keep more distance now,” said the British internet star.

In his opinion, every person needs a phase in which they can develop and grow independently, says Butler. He tried to always give her this space in the relationship, but sometimes you just have to be able to rely on yourself – especially in bad phases. For Giesinger, “this intense phase” after the separation was very healing because it taught her to be her own “support system.” The breakup happened at a time when she was depressed and it felt like a whole new world had opened up. “I suddenly had so much energy again.”

The two do not rule out a love comeback at the end of the podcast episode. “I don’t long to go back to what we had. But I could see us getting back together in some form at some point in the future,” says Marcus Butler on the matter. “If it’s supposed to happen, it will happen.” His ex-partner then adds: “You can’t plan life too much.”