Due to its low demands on the environment, dandelions grow almost everywhere – to the delight of many insects, but also to the chagrin of many hobby gardeners. The dandelion is a perennial (medicinal) plant that always returns unless it is removed from the ground along with its deep-seated taproot. The question arises as to which is better: remove the dandelions or simply leave them there for the love of nature? The star explains to you what advantages the alleged “weed” brings with it and gives tips on how you can remove the plant from beds, paving joints or lawns in the long term.
The pollen and nectar from dandelions help wild and honey bees in particular to raise their offspring. However, the dandelion not only serves as a food source for insects, but also for birds: the goldfinch (also called goldfinch) is particularly interested in the seeds of the plant. In addition, the leaves of the dandelion are even recommended for humans – for example in salads or as pesto. “The flowers can also be used: for example, you can boil them down and make dandelion syrup,” reveals Volker Weiß from the Nature Conservation Association of Germany. V. (NABU for short). It can be used as a spread on bread or to sweeten hot drinks such as tea.
If you still want to remove the plant, a tip is to wait until the dandelion has faded and then cut off the flowers. This means that dandelions cannot develop and scatter their seeds in the garden.
The not always welcome garden plant blooms from March to June – and celebrates a comeback in late summer. If you want to remove dandelions from beds, joints or lawns in the long term, you can use the following tips:
Another important note: There is a persistent myth that the mixture of vinegar and salt will combat unwanted plants. However, this not only endangers the soil, but also the surrounding plants. For this reason, its use is strongly discouraged.
If you want to prevent the dandelions from spreading in all directions in your garden, you should always keep an eye on the flowers: If they are still juicy and yellow, they serve as a food source for insects – but if they start to wilt, urgent action is required: Up Green spaces are the most effective way to fire up the lawn mower and cut down the plants before they turn into a dandelion. In your (flower) beds, however, you can separate the flowers with secateurs. You can always take care of the roots later (as described above).
Another way to prevent dandelions is literally buried in the ground: the plant prefers nitrogen-rich soil. Accordingly, avoid fertilizing with nitrogen – especially in areas that are particularly susceptible to dandelions. The same applies to scarifying, as opening the turf creates “free” spaces in the lawn for the flying seeds.
Sources: Utopia, Plantura, My Beautiful Garden, NABU
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