More than one in four young adults aged 25 still lived in their parents’ home in Germany last year. The Federal Statistical Office gave the exact proportion on Tuesday in Wiesbaden as 27.3 percent.
According to this, 9.2 percent of the 30-year-olds still lived with their parents. Sons still take longer than daughters: young men were on average 24.5 years old when they moved out, young women 23.0. The average age in Germany was 23.8 years across genders. Compared to the EU, this is relatively young. The average age when moving out is 26.4 years, as the Federal Office announced, citing estimates from the EU statistical authority Eurostat.
Young adults in Germany have been moving out earlier for the last five to six years – this is very positive, says youth researcher Klaus Hurrelmann. The Federal Statistical Office also reported on the trend last year.
The previous development that young men in particular lived in their children’s rooms for a long time had worried Hurrelmann: “Independence is then not at the necessary level.” There is a lack of development of a strong personality, which is also important for equal partner relationships.
“It is still enormous what attraction the ‘Hotel Mama’ has,” continues researcher Klaus Hurrelmann. The cliché continues to apply: “The effort for your own household, washing clothes, cooking and shopping, then no longer applies, and the costs are also lower.” Even administrative work is partially relieved for the youngsters, such as dealing with authorities.
But there is a lack of affordable housing and the cost of living has risen sharply. In view of this, it is surprising that the trend of living at home for a long time has reversed, says Hurrelmann. But there are no studies on the development yet.
The expert suspects a change in mentality, perhaps triggered by discussions about notorious homesteaders. One reason could also be that young people today have very specific wishes in terms of training and work and are more likely not to be able to realize them where their parents live.
Girls are ahead of boys in their development during puberty, says the researcher. This continues beyond their 20th birthday, which is why they usually move out earlier. At the same time, it is possible that boys are protected more because they see a greater need for support.
Hurrelmann advises parents to have the courage, if necessary, to make clear announcements and make agreements so that their children can start their own everyday life. “You can also put that in writing – when you’re moving out and how long you can wash your laundry at home after that.”
A look at other EU countries shows a wide range. Young adults in southern and eastern European countries stay at home the longest: In Croatia, the average age for moving out was 33.4 years, the highest in the EU. This is followed by Slovakia with 30.8 and Greece with 30.7 years, as the Federal Office announced.
On the other hand, young people in Northern European countries fledge earlier than in Germany: in Finland on average at 21.3 years, in Sweden at 21.4 years and in Denmark at 21.7 years. In all EU countries, young women are more likely to take the step into self-employment than men.
Researcher Hurrelmann explains that young people in Southern and Eastern Europe live longer at home with the stronger attachment to traditional family forms such as the extended family. In Scandinavia, on the other hand, the individual is also more emphasized in socio-political terms.