The first cooperative withdraws from a construction project. It continues the huge campaign of the co-operatives against the Rent cap.

If’s “in common” goes, the cooperatives actually be photo: Reuters

It was to have been expected On Tuesday said that the first Berliner Baugenossenschaft, a planned new construction project is no longer implemented to be able to. Justification: the red-red-green Senate agreed to rent cover. Therefore, the civil servants housing Association withdraws from the proposed development of the Buckower fields in Neukölln – and continues the pathetic campaign of the cooperatives against this massive intervention in the rental price development.

for months drums with Slogans such as “rent cover? There are, however, long – cooperatives“ against the plans of the Senate, to give all of Berlin’s tenants at Hermesbet least a five-year breather in the fight against the rapidly rising Rents and displacement – and angering many of its members.

: That the rent cover to ‘breathe’ – i.e. very low Rents can be increased from 2021 easy – is an explicit concession to you. And even if there more was No government support for the housing cooperatives as much as the current one.

Even if it were not so: The continued Rumgehacke on the rent cover the cooperatives unworthy. You are a non-profit operate, operate, but a huge clientele policy à canlı bahis la FDP, and must therefore ask the question whether you are really in need of high Rents. For decades they have survived, obviously, even without usury.

The offer on the Berlin rental market is to price real estate groups, driving determined. By the cooperatives to join with these in the same arguments-station chain – rent cover DC new brake equally unfair, you’re going against the great majority of the tenants. Solidarity is different.